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MachineMaiden's Profile

Username: MachineMaiden  
Character: Nesiara (A)
Realm & Rank: Silvermoon-us (#18)
Connected Rank: Silvermoon-us (#54)
Pets Collected: 922/1748
Pets Rated: 0/1768 — Appearance
0/1737 — Battle
Joined: May 07, 2008
Last Online: May 31, 2020
Community: Comments (2)
Forum Posts (18)
Messaging: Enabled Contact MachineMaiden

MachineMaiden Says: 

Well, been a looonnngg time since I updated this but I've "quit" WoW then came back. XD I got the CE of Cata and been slowly gathering my pets up again. I hate some cause I know I'll never get them but want them so much. T_T

Newest Pets for May:
Posted May 10, 2011 at 2:42pm

MachineMaiden's Collection:  View MachineMaiden's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About MachineMaiden:

I'm a HUGE pet fan and always looking for people to talk to and trade with ^_~

WOOO!!! At 1:30pm on March the 13th of 2009 I got the Little Fawn! I ordered the Collectors Edition of Amazon of Burning Crusade and it gave me my last pet I needed! All thanks to my Grandmother up in heaven who passed on less then 5 months ago.. she gave me luck in my fishing for the crawdad!

Past pets:
Ravasaur Hatchling 3/14/10
Deviate Hatchling 3/13/10
Pandaren Monk 3/12/10
Razormaw Hatchling 3/12/10
Darting Hatchling 3/11/10
Leaping Hatchling 3/10/10
Lil' K.T. 3/01/10
Murkimus the Gladiator 5/20/09
Nether Ray Fry 3-4-09
Magical Crawdad 3-07-09
Netherwhelp 3-13-09
Little Fawn 3-13-09
Snarly 3-27-09
Lil' Smoky 4/15/09
Strand Crawler 4/18/09
Tiny Emerald Whelpling 4/20/09
Argent Squire 4/21/09
Teldrassil Sproutling 4/47/09
Spring Rabbit 4/47/09

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