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Marisanna's Profile

Username: Marisanna Site MVP  
Character: Marisanna (A)
Realm & Rank: Drak'thul-us (#4)
Connected Rank: Drak'thul-us (#63)
Pets Collected: 1160/1845
Pets Rated: 963/1864 — Appearance
943/1831 — Battle
Joined: January 03, 2009
Last Online: December 08, 2019
Community: Comments (3)
Forum Posts (4)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Marisanna

Marisanna Says: 

Working on getting rares for all the wild pets I have...and hoping for battle stones to get the others to rare.  Slowly working on leveling them to 25 as well.


If anyone has an extra vicious horror or battlestones, I am definitely interested in working out a trade/purchase...even doing the RAFs to help!  

Posted Dec 18, 2013 at 2:07pm

Marisanna's Collection:  View Marisanna's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Marisanna:

I have been a collector since I first started playing WoW back in "Vanilla".  I had all of the farmable pets you could get before BC came out and then I worked my butt off getting all those new pets, and repeated as each new expansion brought an occasional pet.  Since we had four people in our house playing WoW, we didn't spend the extra money to buy the CEs.  Now, I am saving to start geting the CEs from Vanilla, BC, WotLK, and Cata.



My goal for 2014 is get all of my uncommon pets to rare and enjoy leveling them all to 25.  I want to have fun getting to know each of these pets as I level them.



Egbert will always be my favorite pet.  I have named mine "I Wipe Raids", because the first time I pulled him out my guild was raiding Karazhan and we were on Prince Malchezaar.  Egbert ran out on the terrace and as we all watched in horror as the Prince ran over and STOMPED us into mush!   *giggles while reminiscing*  Those were the days!!!



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