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Presto's Profile

Username: Presto Top Rater  
Character: Presto (A)
Realm & Rank: Elune-us (#10)
Connected Rank: Elune-us (#28)
Pets Collected: 695/1742
Pets Rated: 617/1768 — Appearance
86/1737 — Battle
Joined: February 18, 2014
Last Online: July 16, 2020
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (253)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Presto

Presto's Collection:  View Presto's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Elune-us  #10
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Presto:

Happy Trades! 


Thanks go to all of you for helpling me get my WoD DD :)

 Special thanks for helping me get my RAF pets go to: 

 Valors: Golden Pig

 ZohdeeSilver Pig

 RegillixavatarJade Tiger

 MelmoZipao Tiger

  Extra special thanks for my Blizzard Gear pets go to:

  FaelarGryphon Hatchling

  SneakosWind Rider Cub

   Extra-EXTRA special thanks for my Collector's or Digital Deluxe Edition pets go to:

   RorybearBaneling (SC2: HotS CE/DD)

   RorybearTreasure Goblin (D3: RoS DD)

   Icymaiden: Lucky Quilen Cub (WoW: MoP CE)

   Goldenarms: Lil'Deathwing (WoW: Cata CE)



WCPets members that I have traded with include:

♦ Amadia ♦ Ballincolin66 ♦ Cdeveau ♦ Dazz ♦ Faelar 

♦ Goldash Goldenarms ♦ Icymaiden ♦ Jaadpets ♦ Jarekucb 

♦ Kalium♦ Krystenn ♦ Melmo ♦ Nicrooney ♦ Nyorai ♦ Opteron 

Popocat ♦ Regillixavatar ♦ Rorybear ♦ Serasi1965 ♦ Sneakos 

♦ Tops420♦ Valors ♦ Warcrafthope ♦ Zohdee ♦ 


What happened to my Elites?

Spectral Tiger CubBananasHippogryph HatchlingViscous Horror


Tuskarr Kite & Dragon Kite to Goldenarms 

Spectral Tiger Cub to Ballincolin66

Bananas to Kalium

Hippogryph HatchlingBananas to Nyorai

Viscous Horror to Tops420

Ethereal Soul-TraderSpectral Tiger Cub & Rocket Chicken to Icymaiden

Hippogryph Hatchling to Jarekucb

Viscous Horror to Warcrafthope

Bananas to Amadia

Viscous HorrorEthereal Soul-Trader Dragon Kite to Rorybear 

Viscous Horror to 

Spectral Tiger Cub to Sneakos

Viscous Horror to Cdeveau

Ethereal Soul-Trader to 

Dragon Kite to Regillixavatar

Viscous Horror to Krystenn

Darkmoon Rabbit to Melmo

Bananas to Jaadpets

Rocket Chicken to Nicrooney

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