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Sqfkyo's Profile

Username: Sqfkyo  
Character: Pilvi (A)
Realm & Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#20)
Connected Rank: Steamwheedle Cartel-eu (#38)
Pets Collected: 734/1838
Pets Rated: 0/1864 — Appearance
0/1831 — Battle
Joined: June 01, 2015
Last Online: March 28, 2016
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (3)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Sqfkyo

Sqfkyo Says: 

All pets at L25 *yay*. Time to start doing some pet PvP and collect the correct breeds on the few pets where it matters before March and the mystical bouquet pet.

Posted Jan 1, 2016 at 6:02am

Sqfkyo's Collection:  View Sqfkyo's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Sqfkyo:

Peak rank: #628


Current goals:

250 Pet PvP wins


Old goals:

Average pet level 25.0

Reach top 750 worldwide

Average pet level 23.5

Reach top 1300 worldwide

Reach top 1350 worldwide

Average pet level 23.0

Reach top 1600 worldwide

Average pet level 22.0

Reach top 1750 worldwide

Rarify all pets

Get all cageable pets

Level 60% of my unique pets to L25

Level 50% of my unique pets to L25

Reach top 3 on SWC-EU

Reach top 5 on SWC-EU

Reach top 2500 worldwide

Reach top 3000 worldwide


Updated: 2015-12-25

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