My Pet Collection
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Syrrie's Profile

Username: Syrrie Site MVP  
Character: Syrrie (A)
Realm & Rank: Silver Hand-us (#16)
Connected Rank: Silver Hand-us (#28)
Pets Collected: 1048/1840
Pets Rated: 886/1866 — Appearance
869/1833 — Battle
Joined: August 10, 2008
Last Online: August 10, 2019
Community: Comments (3)
Forum Posts (152)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Syrrie

Syrrie's Collection:  View Syrrie's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Syrrie:

I've been obsessed with pet collecting since I started playing WoW back in BC.


Children's Week 2012 update: So excited! Finally got 150 pets on my mage, making it 3 characters with the Celestial Dragon now!


MoP Update: Well, I made a ton of gold selling all my extra rare and tcg pets and then blew it all new pets. XD


Oct 11, 2012: Just snagged Grinder and a (poor) Minfernal!


Oct 20, 2012: Decided that not having all rare wild pets is, in fact, bothering the obsessive collector in me and so have started that long grind.


Nov. 10th, 2012: Rare Minfernal caught!


Nov. 22nd, 2012: Monday night I finally found a rare Giraffe Calf. Tuesday after maintenance I snagged a rare Scourged Whelpling. So that means getting all rare quality wild pets is done for now!


Dec. 7th, 2012: Finished Raiding with Leashes on Monday. Spent 4 hours to get a rare crow after the hotfix for the DMF wild pets. Traded for a Darkmoon Eye today!


Dec. 9th, 2012: 4/4 Pandaren Spirits obtained!


Dec. 26th, 2012: Sumprush rodent last night and traded for a Crawling Claw today! Also finished Pro Pet Mob tonight. It felt appropriate to have my 75th pet to 25 be Stinker; Still remember getting him the day 3.0 hit.


Jan. 4th, 2013: Got my Spectral Tiger Cub today!


Jan. 12th, 2013: 100th level 25 pet today!


Jan. 29th, 2013: Legendary Pet Battler done.


March 1st, 2013: 200th level 25 today!


March 16th, 2013: 4/4 new carps caught!


March 21st, 2013: All battle pets upgraded to rare!


April 4th, 2013: 300th level 25 today and 5.2 pets completed!


May 29th, 2013: Unborn Val'kyr today making 550 uniques!


June 3rd, 2013: 400th level 25 today!


June 9th, 2013: Brutal Pet Brawler completed!


June 21st, 2013: Qiraji Guardling obtained and was my 555th unique pet!


June 25th, 2013: 500th level 25 today!


July 1st, 2013: Every pet is level 25! Felt appropriate to have my last pet to 25 be the first one I ever received; the Orange Tabby Cat my husband gave me right after he got me started playing WoW.




Haven't updated this since MoP.


Nov. 22nd, 2016: Got both the druid hall pets on my birthday, very amusing.


Sept. 7th, 2018: Finally got Hearthy last night! Which, as far as I'm aware, was server first on Silver Hand. 

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