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Xoffie's Profile

Username: Xoffie Site MVP  
Character: Xoffie (H)
Realm & Rank: Thrall-us (#30)
Connected Rank: Thrall-us (#30)
Pets Collected: 1452/1944
Pets Rated: 14/1944 — Appearance
2/1912 — Battle
Joined: March 19, 2023
Last Online: Yesterday
Community: Comments (1)
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Xoffie Says: 

I have been questing with my falconsaurs lately. It lead to me figuring out what Family Familiar was about, so I have started to do some of those. Seems like that quest line is going to take me quite a while. Plus I have made it to Undermine, but am yet to start to explore it. I suspect there are some cool pets in that zone.

Posted Mar 18, 2025 at 12:47am

Xoffie's Collection:  View Xoffie's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.1%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.2%
RareRare  99.7%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Xoffie:

I did not start pet collecting until I got a Crimson Whelpling in the Wetlands, which was during a stroll through years after it was a common zone. I was so excited because there were a few rare whelplings, but this one was red and well, red is my favorite color so it was my favorite whelpling.


Even then I did not go after pets specifically, but I got super excited when one I did not have dropped from a mob. It was probably part way through Battle for Azeroth, maybe even Shadowland before I even got into pet battles with critters with a purpose. Yes, I had caught a few that way since when that first became a thing, mainly just to see what it was like, and then after a long break from my last try, to remind myself what is was like.


I'm not even sure what triggered my sudden, and nearly relentless pursuit after that. I always found them adorable, but something set me off and I wish I recalled what. All I know is that I began going after pets in the wild with a purpose and that really bulked up my collection pretty swiftly.


There are still a few zones where I have not yet farmed the pets, but I have hit most, then started to focus on ones you got from battles and drops. Saving up tokens, which frankly I am still doing. I have also spent far more gold than I care to add up on some from vendors as well as auctions when I think I can make a home for a pet who it feels like someone is nearly giving away. I have even plopped down some cold hard cash for Blizzard Store, and even promotions pets.


Why? Foolishness, I'm a junkie pet lover, and well... I am crazy like a xof (a personal joke but rings true here too.)


I even keep my eyes on the Black Market Auction House, but have only one a few from there as they get real expensive usually. Though I have spent far more to get a few of the TCG pets than any others. I believe those were my craziest purchases, I think one was close to 200,000 gold pieces and that still seems like a deal to me for some of those ones.


As far as PvP pet battles go, I am still a chicken. Maybe someday I will overcome my fear and give those a more purposeful go. I know the longest quest I have been on in my quest journal is one for winning 10 and I have won 2. That included breaks from the game I took over summers until Dragon Flight. I now play year round. CASUALLY, very casually. Which is why I love pet collecting, it is a mostly casual pursuit.

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