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Zariya's Profile

Username: Zariya Top Rater  
Character: Zariya (H)
Realm & Rank: Greymane-us (#1)
Connected Rank: Greymane-us (#4)
Pets Collected: 1759/1854
Pets Rated: 17/1864 — Appearance
11/1831 — Battle
Joined: March 26, 2008
Last Online: Yesterday
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (16)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Zariya

Zariya Says: 

Collection: 575 unique pets

Realm Rank: #4

Wish List:



Viscous Horror

Tuskarr Kite


I am always looking for these on the AH, or in trade!


Current Goals:


 All pets to max level: 308 done

 All pets to blue quality: 94% done


 PVP pet battles for the Stunted Direhorn0/250

 Brawler’s Guild for Clock’em: Rank 0/4

 Legendary Pet Battler: 4244/5000


I think I need to give the Brawler’s Guild a try… I’m a pretty casual player but I just completed all the scenarios to get my legendary cloak and if I can do that, the first few levels of the BG can’t be worse, right? ;)


Recently Completed Goals:


 Argent Squire (to go with my Argent Gruntling)

 Celestial Tournament



Zariya – Greymane US

Posted May 2, 2014 at 10:23pm

Zariya's Collection:  View Zariya's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.2%
CommonCommon  0.3%
UncommonUncommon  0.4%
RareRare  99.1%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Zariya:

I've been playing WoW since 2005 and have been a pet collector since the very start. Back when you had to physically carry them, I always kept a full bag of pets and a full bag of mounts in my inventory, just so I could switch them around a lot as I played. :)


I like to collect things and make up crazy challenges for myself. I collect titles, reputations, achievements, fun outfits, crafting patterns, vanity items, and I have whole guild banks full of random gray-quality items that are amusing! Probably the most crazy (literally, I think!) thing I've done was achieving "Insane in the Membrane" in early 2009 when it had all of its original requirements.


I play WoW with my whole family: my husband, son and daughter. I'm the one that roped them all in. :D Although sadly the kids have stopped playing much since they went to college. ;) 


For 10 years I've been the guildmaster of an amazing and close-knit guild of family and friends that just celebrated its 11th anniversary!


If I could have anything I wanted in the whole game, it would be a plain ol' murloc pet like Lurky or Murky. <3 

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