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Zuggo's Profile

Username: Zuggo Top Rater  
Character: Zuggo (H)
Realm & Rank: Uldaman-us (#1)
Connected Rank: Uldaman-us (#2)
Pets Collected: 1679/1738
Pets Rated: 183/1768 — Appearance
68/1737 — Battle
Joined: June 03, 2017
Last Online: 3 days ago
Community: Comments (1)
Forum Posts (3)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Zuggo

Zuggo Says: 

Finally hit the 13,000 pet score on the site :O   Less than thirty pets i can get without paying an arm and a leg to get the ones that are tradable but no longer in game. Having fun chilling out and chasing the people in front of me on the realm leaderboards lol


Does anyone else wish that they would list more pets at the trading post? Maybe some of the now unobtainable ones? Its usually two or three mounts and a pet.


We need moar pets!!!

Posted Jan 15, 2024 at 11:46am

Zuggo's Collection:  View Zuggo's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  100.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Zuggo:

I started plaing in Vanilla. Having played over both sides of the atlantic, mainly in raiding guilds, I never really went out of my way to collect pets when they were available. As my main was a hunter in both horde and alliance I was always more interested in hunter pets, then of course came the great equalizing of all pets and breeds, not a great move blizz. When Crusade hit I was in the US by that time living in Idaho, still raiding although I was super pissed that they couldnt transfer between EU and US servers at the time... I was so pissed I became alliance lmao. Pandaria came and went, i picked up a few pets... and even bought the cute pandarian monk from the store. Then came wrath which really wrecked raid teams as they made the same loot available from 10 and 25 man raids... small cliques formed and in my mind it was one of the worst moves blizz made in respect to raiding content. I picked up a few more pets.  Cata too came and went with a slight improvement on content and a whole lot of upheaval in the zones... at least that made it interesting. Whatever draenor was came and went, and we learned that grinding was expected from the game, because thats all it seemed to be, one long grind fest. I did get a few more pets though, mainly as a product of doing something else. Then Legion... well it was better than Draenor, but not by much, more grinding, better raiding content, but the damage for raiding had already been done during Wrath. BfA for me was a breath of fresh air, raiding still sucked, getting enough to raid with a consistant team anyways, so eventually we merged raid teams with another two guilds and they happily went on thier way raiding, then the raid team moved to the other guild, then they server transfered. Hmmm, what to do, what to do... I know, pets... lots and lots of pets :) Having OCD and collecting things kinda rang my bell at that point so i started.  First I got the achievements, but then there were always more and more to get.  As of the writing of this I believe I have 1646 pets, all rare and all levelled.  As each new patch hopefully brings something new for me to hunt down and capture pet collecting has become a major part of the game for me. Oh, and I collected a good portion of my total pets in the last two years, well over fifteen hundred. Its so damn obsessive ;)

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