I can do that. I've got an extra I could trade for the Zeppelin, but any of the Darkmoon pets would work.
Lamppost#1508 if you're still interested, and I should be home in an hour or so
I'm interested in your Nightsaber Cub, (the Eye as well, but Hannalora's got first dibs on that). I've got a couple pets you don't have yet, add Lamppost#1508 if you want to try to work something out!
Hmmmm....well I could throw in another raid pet of your choice to help sway you otherwise. I've got all of them except Visc. Glob, Stitched Pup and Bone Spider, so lemme know what you think.
I've got an extra Grinder and Harbinger of Flame that I'd trade for a Sprite Darter and Lunar Lantern.
Lamppost#1508 if you want to talk about it some more
Hey Warla! I've got an extra Dragon stone that I'd be willing to trade for your Sprite Darter. You can find me at Lamppost#1508 or Lamppost on Darkspear if you're interested
Hi, I've got an extra Grinder I'd love to trade for your Aqua Strider. btag is Lamppost#1508 and I should be back online in about 4 hours or so if you're still interested.