Added ya, sorry my play time fluctuates between my school, work, family schedule. Masters program is a PITA and having to stop gaming so I can read 800 pages of the driest material ever is not fun
I'm not too hung up on the pandas, just have them on the list as I am missing them. But I pet battle daily and they're super cheap on my AH, I just figured id throw them on there incase someone included in a trade.
Good Afternoon, It's been a while since I updated my WTB/FS List. I know some of these are going to be quite out of reach, but some of them should be easy pickings. I can come to your server or you can come to me, I don't mind either way. If you want to try to hit me up in game - kabilos#1299 Happy ...
I cannot agree more, I leveled a DK and flew to Felwood and ran up and on the upper shelf, I found my minfernal, poor quality but will level him up and use a stone on him. Thank you very much for posting this server info, I really enjoy the atmosphere from what I've seen so far, may make it my new 2...
I feel like we need to break out into song. But seriously after thinking about it.. All I want is a dragonkin stone for my infinite dragon. He's poor quality. I just want a stone. The first stone I picked up was a "upgrade any pet" stone ;) still deciding what I want to do with it. Seeing how you c...
I've traded on a few servers and while most of them wanted gold for the pet. I have seen the DM Rabbit go anywhere from 15KG to 150KG. I ended up watching a buddy of mine trade for one, but he ended up trading a Lando's KT, Lando's XT, Legion Eye, Half of the argent tournament pets (think 5 or 6) an...
sure: Snail: Absorb/Acidic Goo/Dive I am a bigger fan of Absorb / Shield / Dive The shield gives you almost 100% absorb for those pets that do stampede, most of the time their stampede only hits for like 50 - 80 damage usually x3 or 4. This shield absorbs it completely so that ability of theirs is ...
What I do, and have done for some time as it is part of the mechanics, Go to the Stable Master in Kun-Lai Mountains (top left side of the map there is a Stable Master) Lineup: Lowbie Leveling Pet Usually level 9+ for Pandaria Areas Level 25 DPS Pet Level 25 Zepplin or Mechanical Pandarian Dragonling...