Search found 8 matches
- October 15th, 2014, 11:59 pm
- Forum: Pet Battles
- Topic: PetBattleTeams addon and tomorrow's launch
- Replies: 93
- Views: 54737
Re: PetBattleTeams addon and tomorrow's launch
Agramonia you are a GODSENT!!! Thank you SOO much! It works PERFECT on live and all my teams remained intact. I did not have to set them up again. EDIT I am getting a LUA error when I click on teams that will not go away and I cannot close the window. :-( Message: Usage: SetAbility(slotIndex, spell...
- December 6th, 2013, 9:58 am
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Major Payne fight ("The Work") Using the Corefire Imp / Cogblade Raptor strat this is what I have so far: 22+21, 20, 21, 21, 24, 22, 22+21 I went and won again with a crit, but so far in 9 attempts I've lost twice. Not great odds, but without work to compare against the other strats (I have 2 other...
- December 2nd, 2013, 6:51 pm
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Doesnt work at all, failed 3 out 3 tries - bear and mech stun OK, well I killed Bloom at the end of turn 20 with Immolate (forgot it'd tick again) so I was only able to get 2 fights in. I lost the 1st one because I didn't cauterize when it was up (my lvl 22 carry pet could have won, but I am still ...
- December 1st, 2013, 4:22 pm
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Doesnt work at all, failed 3 out 3 tries - bear and mech stun 1st off, did you follow the note after the attack list? Note: If Corefire Imp is stunned before using Cauterize just pass and use it after recovering, then switch to carry pet The bear will either stun the imp (in which case you Cauteriz...
- December 1st, 2013, 4:18 pm
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Couldnt work out what the composition of the Explode and Burst teams was for BoF, does anyone know? Not sure where the confusion is, did you miss the post here or did you not understand it? Short form of the compositions: Burst 1 = Unborn Val'kyr OR Ghostly Skull + Pandaren Water Spirit + Chrominiu...
- December 1st, 2013, 8:49 am
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Hi There,
The Major Payne strat:
Major Payne - Location: Icecrown (77, 19)
Team 1: 22 rounds
Corefire Imp [-] (2,1,1)
2: Carry pet (needs 500+ health)
Cogblade Raptor [5-S/S] (2,2,1)
Doesnt work at all, failed 3 out 3 tries - bear and mech stun
The Major Payne strat:
Major Payne - Location: Icecrown (77, 19)
Team 1: 22 rounds

2: Carry pet (needs 500+ health)

Doesnt work at all, failed 3 out 3 tries - bear and mech stun
- November 30th, 2013, 2:39 am
- Forum: Community Guides
- Topic: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
- Replies: 157
- Views: 459457
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
The guide is really very good, thanks for the work!
Couldnt work out what the composition of the Explode and Burst teams was for BoF, does anyone know?
Couldnt work out what the composition of the Explode and Burst teams was for BoF, does anyone know?
- July 2nd, 2013, 5:32 pm
- Forum: Pet Collecting
- Topic: Timeless Isle Information Thread
- Replies: 54
- Views: 34287
Re: Timeless Isle Information Thread
well i read the whole thread with interest - thanx for doing thisJadax wrote:Updated post with Treasure Map quests from Wowhead's PTR site.
(PS. I'm feeling quite lonely in here... is anyone actually appreciating this info anymore? xD)