Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

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Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Donnamartin » March 26th, 2015, 11:43 pm

Hey, what’s this guide all about?

The gold standard for pet battle guides is the [url=]amazing 5.4 guide[/url] - and there hasn’t been something that comprehensive for WoD. I’ve seen a lot of scattered information (and misinformation!), from threads on this site, wowhead comments, and various other places, but nothing that has been compiled into a community-based think tank. Hopefully this guide will fill that niche!

Why is this guide "no-bs"? Because this is NOT a guide for experimental teams or pet battling casually while doing 5mans or farming - this is designed for people trying to get all their pets blue, and all to level 25, and who do this primarily through quickly grinding out WoD trainer dailies.

The point of this guide is to provide the quickest and most efficient path for the WoD trainers. This incorporates all aspects of a pet battle - the right comps, the shortest fight lengths, and the shortest travel time between trainers. It aims to output the most exp and stone opportunity in the shortest amount of time. As the comment section develops, any improvements to teams or travel routes will be incorporated into this guide.

Wait Donna...why do the WoD trainers at all?

I hear a lot of bs about how the WoD trainers are all crap because they don’t give as much exp as the MoP trainers, they don’t reward pet sacks, and they take forever to get to because there is no flying. Each of these points is misunderstood.

The WoD trainers give better exp than the MoP ones. What?? As outlined in [url=]this thread[/url], the exp coefficient for MoP trainers is 12.5, and for almost all of the WoD trainers it is 12.5 as well. Ashlei used to be the most generous trainer in the game with a 15.0 multiplier, but the 6.1 daily visiting garrison trainer took over with a massive 17.5 (nerfed as of 4/3/15!) I think the misconception here is that the 6.0 menagerie garrison daily group such as the birds used to have a lower exp multiplier - 7.5, the same as the Cata trainers. Currently, only Squirt retains this value as the others have been heavily nerfed. Since the menagerie trainers didn't give that hot of exp, I think people just assumed all the other WoD trainers were not worthwhile. Fools!

Although they don’t reward pet sacks, the new trainers reward something MUCH more valuable - [url=]Pet Charms![/url] A full loop will get you 32-34 a day, and they can be used to buy several things - notably, [url=]Flawless Battle Stones[/url] and the [url=]Mystery Bag[/url]. With the Flawless Stones costing 15 charms, this guarantees two stones a day. Compare this to a full MoP bag clear, which has RNG to net you 0-5 stones a day, with most days giving you 2 or 3. If you choose you spend your charms on the training stones, you can load up on 16-17 Mystery Bags a day - this will provide 16-34(!) levels to your pets in addition to what you get while doing the trainers. Very powerful.

As far as the travel time, I think this guide will reveal that the lack of a flying mount is not nearly the impediment people may perceive it to be. Also note that MoP’s flying mount advantage still requires long, linear travel over territory. Think of the Gorespine > Flowing Panda Spirit flight - it isn’t like a flying mount makes for instant MoP trainer teleportation. A good deal of the MoP loop was spent flying around.

What makes a good pet loop?

In general, “speed at which you can level your pet army” is what makes a good pet loop. This can be broken down into two factors - reward and travel. Obviously the reward from each trainer has to be worthwhile, but also the travel time to get to a particular trainer has to not be prohibitive. This was the core of the MoP loop - all the trainers gave great exp in addition to their sack, and since they were all located on the same continent that also had flight enabled, the travel time was not a huge restriction. Many people added in the Beasts of Fable to the MoP loop because the sack they rewarded was still worthwhile given their relatively small travel time commitment. This is a probable reason the Garrison Trainers were nerfed. Despite experience that was less than an “normal” trainer, the zero travel time required for these battles made it by far the best thing in the game for pure exp grinding.

Trainers older than MoP were subject to people’s interpretation - the Cata trainers gave good exp and did not have much travel time due to the Orgrimmar portals. Some of the earlier trainers still offered sacks and low travel time due to particular items - the Karabor neck for the SMV trainer, the AT tabard for Major Payne, Goblin Engineers for Trixxy in Winterspring, etc.

At the other end of the spectrum, most people didn’t take the time to do the “in the middle of nowhere” trainers in vanilla/bc/wotlk, because the reward they offered was too low, and the travel time was fairly high. I think this guide will reveal that WoD provides excellent rewards for low travel time, and that it is even more worthwhile than the MoP loop.

A word on comp selection in general, and the role of RNG

The standard approach to any trainer is 2 pets to handle the team, and a carry pet. This is a simple concept, but it is more complicated than first glance. A few things to consider.

You want the comp to be the one which can take the trainer down the quickest. Carry pets are typically used at the beginning of the fight, or subbed in right after a pet death for this reason - to avoid burning 1-2 rounds on a swap. Exploder pets are prized for this ability, since they can end the fight and not waste even a single round on the carry pet. Certain abilities have extremely long animation framerates (double clockwork turrets come to mind), which can drag fights out significantly longer - prioritize quicker abilities if possible.

You also will want the comp to provide the most safety for your carry pet - ideally, enabling a level 1 carry. Some trainers make this impossible due to AOE abilities, but most will have a window where you can slip a no-damage round in. Be aware of when this is.

RNG manifests in some annoying ways during battles - since the 100% accuracy fix, many pets have a range of damage on their abilities. This can commonly be the difference between killing a pet in 3 rounds vs 4 rounds, for example. Critical hits are also an issue - a crit against you can kill a pet you needed to stay alive, and a crit by your pet against the enemy can put you 1 round short of an ability you needed to use on their next pet. All of this can result in a failed attempt, which is the ultimate waste of time, and so you will want to select pets that can minimize this variance.


The Pets and Items You Need

[url=]Aviana’s Feather[/url]
[url=]Spirit Lodge Portals![/url]
[url=]Bladespire Relic[/url] - this requires Revered with [url=]Frostwolf Orcs[/url]
[url=]Garrison Hearthstone[/url]
[url=]Iron Seigeworks[/url] segment of your Garrison Campaign questline for the mole machine.
[url=]Wormhole Centrifuge[/url] - this requires at least 500 Engineering. This item necessitates a glider of some sort as well.

Additionally, if you have a Barracks, the followers [url=]Vivianne[/url] (Horde) and [url=]Delvar Ironfist[/url] (Alliance) both grant you an [url=]additional, ZERO-cooldown garrison hearthstone[/url]. This can be weaved into the route in a few places, but is probably best served cutting the RNG on the wormhole when getting to Gargra (see below).

[url=]Azure Whelpling[/url] - P/P
[url=]Chrominius[/url] - H/H
[url=]Emperor Crab[/url] - P/P
[url=]Fragment of Desire[/url] - H/S
[url=]Infinite Whelpling[/url] - P/P
[url=]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/url] - S/S
[url=]Personal World Destroyer[/url] - P/P
[url=]Tranquil Mechanical Yeti[/url] - H/B
[url=]Unborn Val'kyr[/url] - H/H or B/B
[url=]Weebomination[/url] - H/H


The Route!

My best time is 19 minutes.

Start with your Menagerie trainer and then [url=]Kura Thunderhoof[/url]. Remember that if she does not spawn in your garrison, check the in-game groupfinder and someone will have her up.

Mole Machine to Beastwatch
Feather over to [url=]Cymre Brightblade[/url]

Garrison Hearth
Spirit Lodge Portal to SMV
[url=]Spirit of Shinri[/url] or mount up to [url=]Ashlei[/url]

*Hearthstone to Veil Terokk
Walk to [url=]Vesharr[/url]
Gank any alliance here, there are always some afk by the flypoint.
*If you simply cannot commit your Hearthstone to Veil Terokk, you can Glider off Ashlei's rock right into the Spirit Lodge Portal back to your Garrison. Take your other Spirit Lodge Portal to Spires of Arak and just ride to Veil Terokk - it is not very far.

Fly to Retribution Point
Ride to [url=]Taralune[/url]

Pop Bladespire Relic
Walk outside and Feather straight south to [url=]Tarr the Terrible[/url]

Wormhole to "Lava and Snow"
Glider or Fly, depending on where the Wormhole dumped you, toward Wolf’s Stand to face [url=]Gargra[/url]

After this, some people in this thread have posted that they hearth / wormhole / Challenger's Path / Capital city cloak port > Jade Forest portal over to the MoP trainers and knock them out too, which can be done in under the 60 minute window of a pet treat. At this point it is just up to each individual how much time you want to put into pet dailies.


Individual tamer comp breakdown

Menagerie Trainers
The Pet Charms from the sack are very valuable. Make sure to do this trainer every day. Since the nerf to both exp and difficulty of the trainer, there is no reason to carry a pet except against Squirt. I have not gone through to optimize my now-carry-petless teams for each of the daily comps, but I will add breakdowns for each trainer in a future post.

[url=]Kura Thunderhoof[/url]
Use whatever team, her pets are chumps. Don't bring a carry pet since she gives hardly any exp. As long as you didn't pick a hard counter, she's a pushover.

The team I use personally is:
Carry Pet
[url=]Nexus Whelpling[/url] - P/P
[url=]Arcane Eye[/url] - P/S

I just Arcane Winds up and let Mana Surge rip. Only team that is troublesome can be the rats. Two Nexus Whelplings would probably be better but I've been too lazy to go tame another. I don't have these pets listed in the loop list above because there are a lot of variations you can use here.

[url=]Cymre Brightblade[/url]
Team 1: ~16 rounds
  • [url=]Emperor Crab[/url] - P/P - 1,1,2
    Carry Pet - needs 150 hp
    [url=]Infinite Whelpling[/url] - P/P - 1,1,1
vs. Idol
  • - Open with Crab > Whirlpool > Snap until Idol is under 300 hp > Swap to Carry (to avoid triggering Dark Rebirth) > Swap to Crab (to get Rebirth to drop off) > Renewing Mists > Snap > Swap on Whelpling on undead racial
vs. Wishbright
  • - Healing Flame (should heal to full) > Tail Sweep until Wishbright is dead. Should make Wish whiff.
vs. Gyrexle
  • - Early Advantage > Tail Sweep > Tail Sweep

Team 1: ~15 rounds
  • [url=]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/url] - S/S - 1, 1, 2
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
vs. Pixiebell
  • - Open with Panda Dragon > Decoy > Breath until Pixiebell is dead.
vs. Doodle
  • - Bombing Run > Breath until Doodle takes a nap and swaps out
vs. Tally
  • - Breath until Tally is dead.
vs. Doodle: The Revenge
  • - Swap to Carry 1 > Swap to Carry 2 > Swap to Panda Dragon > Breath until poor Doodle is dead.

Team 1: ~13 rounds
  • [url=]Chrominius[/url] - H/H - 2,2,2
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/url] - S/S - 1, 2, 2
vs. The Great Kaliri
  • - Open with Chrome > Arcane Explosion until racial procs > Arcane Explosion > Ancient Blessing > Arcane Explosion until the Kaliri is dead.
vs. Ancient Nest Guardian
  • - Arcane Explosion > Surge of Power > Chrome will die > Swap in Carry Pet > Swap to Panda Dragon > Thunderbolt > Breath until Nest Guardian is dead. Decoy if Panda Dragon gets entangled, but this is very rare.
vs. Darkwing
  • - Poor Darkwing is usually dead from Thunderbolt, just breath him down if he is not.

Team 1: ~12 rounds
  • [url=]Fragment of Desire[/url] - H/S - 2,2,1
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Azure Whelpling[/url] - P/P - 2,1,1
vs. Serendipity
  • - Open with Fragment > Arcane Blast x4 > Soulrush
vs. Grace
  • - Soul Ward > Arcane Blast until both Fragment and Grace die
vs. Atonement
  • - Swap in Carry Pet following Fragment's death > Swap to Whelpling > Arcane Storm > Surge of Power

Team 2: ~14 rounds
  • [url=]Chrominius[/url] - H/H - 2,2,2
    - A [url=]Nether Roach[/url] spamming Nether Blast also works in this slot.
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Nether Faerie Dragon[/url] - P/P - 2,2,1
vs. Serendipity
  • - Open with Chrome > Arcane Explosion > Arcane Explosion > Ancient Blessing > Arcane Explosion > Arcane Explosion > PASS > Ancient Blessing > Surge of Power will kill Serendipity.
vs. Grace
  • - Grace will kill Chrome with Call Lightning > Swap to Carry Pet > Swap to Faerie Dragon > Moonfire > Arcane Blast will kill Grace.
vs. Atonement
  • - If you are under 500 hp, Life Exchange, otherwise, Arcane Blast > Arcane Blast
RICH TEAM: ~10 rounds
  • [url=]Hatespark the Tiny[/url] - P/B - 1,1,1
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Azure Whelpling[/url] - P/P - 2,1,1
vs. Serendipity
  • - Open with Hatespark > Blast of Hatred x3 > Flamethrower > Conflag will kill Serendipity
vs. Grace
  • - Blast of Hatred > Flamethrower > Hatespark dies > Swap to Carry > Swap to Azure Whelpling > Arcane Storm
vs. Atonement
  • - Surge of Power

[url=]Tarr the Terrible[/url]
Team 1: ~10 rounds
  • [url=]Unborn Val'kyr[/url] - H/H or B/B - 2,2,2
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Weebomination[/url] - H/H - 1,1,1
vs. Deathy
  • - Open with Valk > Curse of Doom > Unholy Ascension > Bring in Weebom > Cleave > Swap to Carry Pet to eat the stun > Swap to Weebom > Cleave until everything is dead

Team 1: ~9 rounds
  • [url=]Personal World Destroyer[/url] - P/P - 1,1,2
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Tranquil Mechanical Yeti[/url] - H/B - 1,1,2
vs. Wolfus
  • -Open with PWD > Quake > Metal Fist
vs. Fangra
  • -Metal Fist > Swap to Carry Pet > Swap to Yeti > Metal Fist
vs. Wolfgar
  • -Ion Cannon oneshot

Team 2: ~8-9 rounds
  • [url=]Pet Bombling[/url] - H/S - 2,1,2
    Carry Pet - level 1 ok
    [url=]Darkmoon Tonk[/url] - H/P - 1,1,2
vs. Wolfus
  • -Minefield > Batter until Wolfus is dead.
vs. Fangra
  • -Explode + minefield hit will kill Fangra
vs. Wolfgar
  • -Swap to Carry > Swap to Tonk > Shock and Awe > Ion Cannon


3/25/15 - original posting, formatting
3/27/15 - added some of Jerebear's superior teams
4/3/15 - New record of 19 minutes! Also, unfortunate nerf to the wandering garrison trainer, ugh.
4/7/15 - Added personal team to Kura, added Sepsis' better Tarr team, added Iamhotep's Gargra team, added Anasa's suggestion re: Blossoming Ancient
4/10/15 - added new Jerebear's Taralune team; note re: Nether Roach
4/14/15 - added note re: Barracks follower ability, Jerebear's Hatespark team for Taralune, eliminated Blossoming Ancient suggestion
Last edited by Donnamartin on April 14th, 2015, 2:40 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » March 27th, 2015, 12:11 am

What do you think about my strats from here:
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Topaz » March 27th, 2015, 4:40 am

3 suggestions -
1. Since you already have MPD on ashlei, you can replace Cymre Brightblade pets with a Fiendih Imp (s/s) and MPD.
immolate>nether gate>switch to MPD>thunderbolt>breath until wishbright is dead (he shouldn't heal itself unless you crit, even if he does, just decoy and keep breath).>decoy idol>switch to imp>nether gate>burn until Gyrexle is dead>burn until idol have below 300 hp>switch to carry pet>switch to MPD>decoy>thunderbolt>pass.
2. Instead of 2 pets gargra can be easily soloed by chi-chi.
3. this route is only relevant to horde players.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Donnamartin » March 27th, 2015, 6:43 pm


You have a lot of good information! I like your Cymre team a lot and will be using that from now on...the 1 tick of renewing mists makes all the difference! And it lets you carry a much lower level pet since it doesn't have eat a rot. Your Gargra team is a little shorter than my own and consistent so I will put that in too.


I don't think the MPD comp you listed is faster than Jerebear's Cymre, but it is useful for people that don't have as many pets. The MPD is very powerful against all of the WoD trainers. I don't think Chi-Ji can do Gargra in sub-10 rounds.

I haven't played an Alliance character in 8 years, so this guide is admittedly horde-centric. I *think* the only difference is that you'd swap Ashlei and Gargra's positions in the loop - your Spirit Portal would be to FFR instead of SMV, and you'd wormhole or ghearth and fly to get to the trainer in the same zone as your garrison.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Aquitas » March 31st, 2015, 8:29 am

Thanks for this it is great! I would love an ally version of how to get around quickly but I might just have to come up with it on my own and post:)

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Gromagrim » April 3rd, 2015, 9:31 am

My 1 hour route;

Start Taralune (Talador)
Engineering Wormhole to 'Lava and Snow' for Gargra
Hearth to Veil Terrok for Vesharr
Garrison Hearth for Erris (skip her since nerf)
Mole Machine - Avianna's Feather for Cymre Brightblade
Challengers Path to Temple of Jade Serpent for Hyuna of the Shrines
Fly to Whispering Panderan Spirit
Fly to Thundering Panderan Spirit
Fly to Farmer Nishi
Fly to Mo'ruk
Fly to Flowing Panderan Spirit
Fly to Wastewalker Shu
Fly to Aki the Chosen
Fly to Courageous Yon
Fly to Burning Panderan Spirit
Fly to Seeker Zusshi
Teleport to Karabor for Ashlei

All of the highest trainers bar Tarr the Terrible. Can follow this up with Cata trainers (using Tol Barad tabard) if you have any time left.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Donnamartin » April 3rd, 2015, 11:22 am

What is the nerf on the Erris/Kura?

edit - UGH just did her - so same exp as the regular garrison trainer. Terrible. Still worth doing for the 3 leveling stones though, but I'll update the guide.

At least Ashlei is back on top for xp!

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Typecast » April 3rd, 2015, 5:48 pm

Donnamartin wrote:What is the nerf on the Erris/Kura?

edit - UGH just did her - so same exp as the regular garrison trainer. Terrible. Still worth doing for the 3 leveling stones though, but I'll update the guide.

At least Ashlei is back on top for xp!
It's a temporary nerf to the experience until they can patch the garrison phasing that exploiters have used in regards to Erris/Kura. The fix requires an actual patch and not a hotfix so we all suffer and wait.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 5th, 2015, 9:25 am

One thing to consider on your Tarr strategy, the beginning sequence goes like this (barring any effects your team might introduce, like sticky webbing or such):

1. First pet does the "ghostly bite" like ability and stuns himself
2. Swaps
3. 2nd pet casts scorched earth
4. 2nd pet uses stun

Round 4 is a really good round to do the carry pet swap as it will only take damage from a scorched earth tick (I think 60ish damage when strong vs opponent). I realize your strat is tailored to the move combinations you provided, but might be worth looking into.

I have a 17 round (assuming no crits either direction) Tarr strat as well where I do the swap on R4, but aside from the type of carry pet you can use, it isn't a huge improvement (still 17 rounds). I can post it if you like though.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Donnamartin » April 5th, 2015, 4:02 pm

Yeah Jerebear, what do you use? If I could get a carry pet through that didn't have to take that huge 1st hit, that would be better since I could carry lower level pets. I'm honestly not super happy with my Tarr team but I haven't found one that is any shorter.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Taleranor » April 5th, 2015, 4:07 pm

Donnamartin wrote:Yeah Jerebear, what do you use? If I could get a carry pet through that didn't have to take that huge 1st hit, that would be better since I could carry lower level pets. I'm honestly not super happy with my Tarr team but I haven't found one that is any shorter.
The Tarr team I've found to work really well is:
Macabre Marionette and Fossilized Hatchling.
Start with the Marionette. Siphon life for 2 rounds. Then just use dead man's party. When stunned, pass a round, dead man's party again. Repeat until dead for good. Swap in carry pet, swap in hatchling. Use bonestorm, ancient blessing, and then bone bite to finish them off. Carry pet should be perfectly fine.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 5th, 2015, 8:21 pm

Donnamartin wrote:Yeah Jerebear, what do you use? If I could get a carry pet through that didn't have to take that huge 1st hit, that would be better since I could carry lower level pets. I'm honestly not super happy with my Tarr team but I haven't found one that is any shorter.
Mind you, this team isn't one of my absolute solid'est but

Fossilized Hatchling (Bone Bite, Ancient Blessing, BONESTORM)
P/P Twilight Spider (Strike, Brittle Webbing, Leech Life)
Any carry pet
*note that any P/P spider will do. It is also possible other breeds will work, I just haven't tried it out

Sorry for the less than stellar break down...just got back from a long day of Easter travelling

R1: Bonestorm
R2: Heal (enemy swaps)
R3: Bone Bite
R4: swap to carry (always the "stun" round, so only Scorched Earth damage here)
R5: swap back to Fossilized hatchling
R6: Bonestorm
R7: Bite (deathy dies)
R8: heal
R9: Bite
R10: Bonestorm (swaps)..undead round
R11: Brittle Webbing
R12: leech life
R13: Brittle Webbing (misses)
R14: leech life
R15: anything that kills him (strike/brittle)
R16: brittle
R17: leech life (dies)

If you need a more formal breakdown I can maybe do that in an upcoming night. Crits do mess up the flow, however, I usually am able to pull off the win even if the Fossilized Hatchling dies a bit early. The big thing is the hatchling needs to kill Deathy quickly. After that, do what you can to keep the hatchling alive for another BONESTORM, but if not possible focus on bone biting the shields off the remaining two pets instead so the spider can go right to work.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Iamnotapet » April 6th, 2015, 6:57 am


P/S Blighthawk (1/2/1) <<< MUST BE P/S
Macabre Marionette (2/-/1)

1) Lift Off (When Falling Murloc misses Murkalot does NOT get stunned and swapped)
2) Ghostly Bite
3) Swap to the Marionette
4) Bone Bite (Murkalot dies)
5) Bone Barrage (Deathy casts Scorched Earth)
6) Swap to Leveller (Deathy casts Clobber)
7) Swap to Blighthawk (Deathy Charges Deep Breath)
8) Lift off (Deep Breath Misses)
9) If Deathy is still alive Infected Claw
10) Ghostly Bite Murkimus
11) Pass (Murkimus Leaps)
12) Pass (Leap will kill Blighthawk)
13) Infected Blight on Immortal Round
14) Marrionette Bone Bites

Occasionally Blighthawk dies before soaking the Heroic Leap... But the Marionette has always been able to finish. I came up with this strategy in January... over 90 times now... never failed.

For Gargra...

Personal World Destroyer (1/-/2)
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti (1/-/2)

1) Quake (do something else till it finishes)
2) Metal Fist (Wolfus Dies)
3) Metal Fist (Fangra casts Dance)
4) Swap to Carry (Fangra casts Dodge)
5) Swap to Yeti
6) Metal Fist
7) Ion Cannon

Used to use Lil' XT but he was always slower and would sometimes die early... PWD is fast enough to be coin tossing with Wolfus and even though he occasionally dies he always finishes Wolfus off on his Mechanical round. Fangra cannot kill the Yeti in two turns and Wolfgar always gets 1 shot while he is casting Howl.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 6th, 2015, 10:36 am

Iamnotapet wrote:ForTarr...

P/S Blighthawk (1/2/1) <<< MUST BE P/S
Macabre Marionette (2/-/1)

1) Lift Off (When Falling Murloc misses Murkalot does NOT get stunned and swapped)
2) Ghostly Bite
3) Swap to the Marionette
4) Bone Bite (Murkalot dies)
5) Bone Barrage (Deathy casts Scorched Earth)
6) Swap to Leveller (Deathy casts Clobber)
7) Swap to Blighthawk (Deathy Charges Deep Breath)
8) Lift off (Deep Breath Misses)
9) If Deathy is still alive Infected Claw
10) Ghostly Bite Murkimus
11) Pass (Murkimus Leaps)
12) Pass (Leap will kill Blighthawk)
13) Infected Blight on Immortal Round
14) Marrionette Bone Bites
I like this. Usually comes out to about 16 rounds. For those who don't have the blighthawk, I used a ghastly kid and modified the strat to:
Ghastly Kid (Diseased Bite, Ethereal, Ghostly Bite)
Macabre Marionette (Bone Bite, DnD, Bone Barrage)

R1 Ethereal (blocks Falling Murloc)
R2 Ghostly Bite
R3 Swap Macabre Marionette
R4 Bone Bite
R5 Bone Bite (Murkalot dies)
R6 Bone Bite (eat the scorched earth)
R7 Swap to leveller
R8 Swap Ghastly Kid
R9 Ethereal (blocks deep breath)
R10 Ghostly Bite (deathy dies to scorched earth tick)
R11 pass (still stunned)
R12 Diseased Bite
R13 Ethereal (blocks Heroic Leap)
R14 Diseased Bite
R15 Diseased Bite
R16 Ghostly Bite (Murkimus dies here)

Theoretically, in this version, the Macabre Marionette only does Bone Bite, so any Bone Bite pet will probably do (Fossilized Hatchling, Giant Bone Spider, etc.). With the Fossilized Hatchling, you might be able to weave in a BONESTORM to kill Murkalot and perhaps help kill Murkimus a round faster. I'll have to test that out tomorrow.
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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Iamnotapet » April 6th, 2015, 4:38 pm

Yep that works... I must will use it myself... (it gets very boring pushing the same buttons, I do it on auto nowadays.)

In fact any strat which blocks Falling Murloc would probably work somewhat as it throws his script off... (looks at Tarr... no swapping for you.)

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Sepsis » April 6th, 2015, 11:00 pm

It's been a while since I've done these, so not sure how they all compare with my own strats but I do have a faster Tarr team.
I'll check these out when I get the time... some time.


Unborn Val'kyr (1/2/2)
Weebomination (1/1/1)

1) Curse of Doom
2) Unholy Ascension
3) Bring in Weebom, Cleave
4) Swap to Carry (eats stun)
5) Back to Weebom
6-10) Cleave

Murkalot dies in the back row, Murkimus should die before Lift-off.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Vaerosi » April 7th, 2015, 2:13 am

Gromagrim wrote:My 1 hour route;

Start Taralune (Talador)
Engineering Wormhole to 'Lava and Snow' for Gargra
Hearth to Veil Terrok for Vesharr
Garrison Hearth for Erris (skip her since nerf)
Mole Machine - Avianna's Feather for Cymre Brightblade
Challengers Path to Temple of Jade Serpent for Hyuna of the Shrines
Fly to Whispering Panderan Spirit
Fly to Thundering Panderan Spirit
Fly to Farmer Nishi
Fly to Mo'ruk
Fly to Flowing Panderan Spirit
Fly to Wastewalker Shu
Fly to Aki the Chosen
Fly to Courageous Yon
Fly to Burning Panderan Spirit
Fly to Seeker Zusshi
Teleport to Karabor for Ashlei

All of the highest trainers bar Tarr the Terrible. Can follow this up with Cata trainers (using Tol Barad tabard) if you have any time left.
I would love a 1-hour route like this for Horde (we can't teleport to Karabor), meep!

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 7th, 2015, 7:03 am

Try (haven't tested this, but gives you something to work on):
Hearth to Garrison
Hearth to Shrine of Two moons
Hearth to Shrine

You may have to use Avianna's feather in a few places (outpost to Tarr might be a good one...haven't looked at horde flight paths though).
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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Anasa » April 7th, 2015, 11:54 am

Gank any alliance here, there are always some afk by the flypoint.
Rude and unnecessary.

On Cymre, I highly recommend the Blossoming Ancient (2,2,2) in place of the crab, if you have one.

The script is nearly the same, except that if you keep up Photosynthesis (helped by Wishbright's Sunlight too!) the Ancient is at nearly full health and can waste the gnome very quickly if needed. Ironbark + Photosynthesis negates all the damage from the idol.

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