Axordil wrote:Hmm. I like it, but I need to see if I can adapt it to a different fast mech--my BCRB is P/S.
There aren't lots of fast mechanicals, so you really should consider purchasing some more until you get an S/S version and then stoning it if you can. I'm not aware of any other mechanical pet that can match the S/S BCRB in being 1) faster than Beakmaster and 2) having two useful actions that it can perform during Hibernate.
All other options are going to end up with your rabbit having to do more work on, and risk large damage spikes from, Beakmaster. That said, I've actually soloed the entire Major Payne team with a single Grasslands Cottontail before[1] so it might not be that bad.
As far as using another fast mechanical, the two options I see are S/S Robo-Chick and S/S Cogblade Raptor. Robo-Chick does first bit of Wind-Up during Hibernate and then Batter, Batter, Wind-Up to kill Grizzle. Cogblade applies Expose Wounds during Hibernate and then Batters away. You'll want to make sure you don't allow either to get hit by a Rampage before the Hibernate; you'll want to avoid any extra damage since you'll be dealing with a full health Beakmaster.
If you use a pet that is slower than Grizzle, its even more important to ensure that Grizzle uses Bash on turn 4 and that means forfeiting anytime Grizzle opens with Bash. A Bash cast immediately after Hibernate will cost an extra round if you are slower which makes the kill window even smaller before Grizzle starts healing again. The other problem is that you'd likely eat 4 rampages worth of damage.
One option might be a Warbot configured for Missile, Minefield and Launch Rocket. I think it might be possible for one Missile and the rocket to kill Grizzle, but I'm pretty sure that it isn't guaranteed so that turn 4 Bash is important.
Or, perhaps Darkmoon Tonk with Charge, Minefiled and Lock-On. Two Lock-On hits during the three round rampage should kill Grizzle. The idea here is to use Charge against Beakmaster so that he's never first which will reduce his Batter damage. The goal being to get him to blow abilities like Shock and Awe and Wind-Up on the Tonk because he isn't just wrecking you with Batter.
[1] For a long time my Major Payne team was double rabbits and whenever an opportunity arose to get a solo kill I'd do it for funsies not worry about not getting a carry pet XP that day. Happened for me maybe 3 times total; it was a pretty rare thing to happen.