Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Iamnotapet » April 12th, 2015, 9:18 pm

Jerebear wrote:This is a mostly for fun Taralune strat:

Hatespark the Tiny (Blast of Hatred, Conflagrate, Flame Thrower)
Azure Whelp (Breath, Arcane Storm, Surge of Power)

R1: Blast of Hatred
R2: Blast of Hatred (double hit so some damage done even with cocoon)
R3: Blast of Hatred (watch out for crit on you here..can hurt the strat)
R4: Flame Thrower
R5: Conflagrate to kill first enemy

Should be at 469 health barring crits. Need at least 295 Health to survive Call LIghtning.

R6: Blast of Hatred (this + Flame Thrower ticks + LS procs = loss of flying racial)
R7: Flame Thrower (slightly more damage than BoH since faster) and die....Select Carry pet
R8: Swap from Carry pet to Azure Whelpling
R9: Arcane Storm (kills 2nd pet)
R10: Surge of Power to kill 3rd pet

So 10 rounds...but needs Hatespark the Tiny. Fun stuff! Maybe not guide worthy, but fun to figure out. Has about a 6.13% chance that a crit will mess it up.
Great strat Jere... must try that tonight... I always used Tiny as my second Pet for Vesharr, he only lost once (the 1 in a 1000 double crit I mentioned earlier)... but changed to the MPD after reading this guide (quicker and failsafe) but I miss using him.

Will definitely try this tonight... looks fun...

UPDATE: Brilliant worked just as intended... will have to wait and see how it runs in the long run... but I will be using this for now.
Last edited by Iamnotapet on April 13th, 2015, 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Iamnotapet » April 12th, 2015, 9:37 pm

Jerebear wrote:The strat may have to be modified for the blossoming ancient depending on how you used it.
And this
Jerebear wrote:R7: Cast Renewing Mists
Is missing with the ancient... thats two rounds of flies offset plus some...

Also this
Jerebear wrote:R7: Note that if you Crit kill the lantern a turn early...
Exactly what happened last night... stupid Mech walked into a Sunlight buffed Wish... Ancient still beat him but it did take half the night... (maybe it just seemed that long) :)

I think I will try the crab tonight instead...

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Iamnotapet » April 13th, 2015, 7:12 am

Jerebear wrote:
Painbow wrote: Edit 2 - My thoughts on the guide:
WOW that was fast! I just did it in about 23 minutes. Every strategy worked exactly as outlined except Cymre Brightblade. It took me like four tries to get it. During Gyrexle, despite what it says (Early Advantage > Tail Sweep > Tail Sweep), he didn't die on the second tail sweep, or even the third--my P/P Infinite Whelpling did. The only difference is I used the Blossoming Ancient, but maybe tomorrow I'll try the Emperor Crab instead, because it took a lot of turns to get Gryexle down with the Ancient.
The strat may have to be modified for the blossoming ancient depending on how you used it. The strat is very specific. You have to kill the latern and then proc the dragonkin racial so when you cast Early Advantage it consumes the dragonkin racial. The next tail sweep forces the mech racial and procs the dragonkin racial so that the 2nd tail sweep has enough damage to kill it. If you don't do it in the right order you won't have the dragonkin racial up to kill the mech before he heals.

P/P emp crab and P/x Infinte Whelp:
R1: Cast Whirlpool
R2: Cast Snap
R3: Cast Snap (Whirlpool lands)
R4: Cast Snap

At this point the Idol will be sub 250 HP (it will take one more snap if you don't have P/P breed emp crab). If you had any crits, the idol will be pushed into Undead round. Either way:

R5: Swap to carry (he'll cast Dark Rebirth regardless)
R6: Swap to crab
R7: Cast Renewing Mists
R8: Cast Snap (this will force into undead racial or drop HP if racial already proc'ed)
R9: Swap to Inf Whelp (Idol will die either from racial expiration or Dark Rebirth damage)

R10: Cast Healing Flame (must be done on first round versus lantern)
R11: Cast Tail Sweep (forces Lantern below 50% health and dragonkin racial)
R12: Cast Tail Sweep (consumes dragonkin racial)
R13: Cast Tail Sweep to kill lantern and proc Dragonking racial

R14: Early Advantage (consumes dragonking racial for massive damage (1600+)
R15: Cast Tail Sweep to force mech racial and proc dragonkin racial
R16: Cast Tail Sweep for the kill

Notice the rounds that the dragonkin racial is proc'ed and consumed. If you use the Blossoming Ancient in a way that prevents that sequence for the Inf Whelp, it won't work the same. This is very specific so that R11-R16 go smoothly.

Note that if you Crit kill the lantern a turn early or you crit on the first proc of Early Advantage, the sequence won't go correctly anymore. It rarely happens, but keep an eye out. I've done this strat a ton of times. It works barring certain crits. None of the abils have damage variation, so the results are repeatable as long as you follow the sequence correctly.
Perfect.. this is the bomb... better than the Ancient... timing works better... heals support the whelpling... it is true that the ancient can't be killed but it is finicky to use...

So that is now three of your strats I am using Jere... tks :)
(This, Hatespark Taralune and your Squirt strat... although I am trying the weebom strat next Monday when squirt is up again)

Jerebear wrote:Note that if you Crit kill the lantern a turn early...
lol... this is the only issue I have seen with this strat... the mech gets a wish buffed heal... I started again last night (probably should have persisted to see if I could recover)
Last edited by Iamnotapet on April 15th, 2015, 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Donnamartin » April 14th, 2015, 1:48 pm


I am glad you are enjoying the guide! Vivianne is absolutely worth putting in the guide - she can provide a quicker path to Gargra if nothing else. I haven't had a Barracks for a while so I had forgotten about the bodyguard abilities.

I switched over to Rematch after you suggested it. Definitely superior to the old Pet Battle Teams! Interface is much better and the auto-load for the trainers is great. The only thing I found it to be lacking was that although I could sort my leveling pet preferences by type, there was no way to change the priority of the type. I have about 1000 Beasts to level still, but less Flying pets, which it always wants to put first. Prioritizing the right type of pet is important to me since I level so much through the random bag stones. I manually moved all the Beasts up to the top was a lot of clicking lol. Still, great addon, thank you for turning me on to it!


I also have a Hatespark and am now using this team for Taralune. I'd be very interested in more "rich people" pet strats - I'll note them in the guide but probably not for the primary team since most people will not have Hatespark or very expensive pets of that nature. Great team though.

Also I nixed the suggestion of Blossoming Ancient on Cymre - I don't have the pet so I can't personally post about how you'd have to change the rotation to get it to work, but I don't see it having a round-speed advantage over the Emperor Crab. Additionally. the Crab is much easier to obtain - just use it!

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 14th, 2015, 4:14 pm

Donnamartin wrote:The only thing I found it to be lacking was that although I could sort my leveling pet preferences by type, there was no way to change the priority of the type. I have about 1000 Beasts to level still, but less Flying pets, which it always wants to put first. Prioritizing the right type of pet is important to me since I level so much through the random bag stones. I manually moved all the Beasts up to the top was a lot of clicking lol.
As a note, we have a Rematch thread here in the pet battle forums (probably on page 2 or 3 by now) that the addon author reads fairly frequently. He is always up to suggestions and discussion on features. I would definitely suggest poking your head in there and asking.

EDIT: it's still on Page 1 for me as of right now.
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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Merana » April 19th, 2015, 7:32 am

Thanks so much for putting this guide together! The strategies work great! I'm finally having fun battling these Draenor tamers :lol:
At first I was a little sceptical of the Weebomination, but it really pulled through and unleashed quite a lot of damage, to my surprise. Thanks for including that one, I probably wouldn't have considered it at all by myself.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Painbow » April 19th, 2015, 10:14 am

Donnamartin wrote:@Painbow

I switched over to Rematch after you suggested it. Definitely superior to the old Pet Battle Teams! Interface is much better and the auto-load for the trainers is great. The only thing I found it to be lacking was that although I could sort my leveling pet preferences by type, there was no way to change the priority of the type. I have about 1000 Beasts to level still, but less Flying pets, which it always wants to put first. Prioritizing the right type of pet is important to me since I level so much through the random bag stones. I manually moved all the Beasts up to the top was a lot of clicking lol. Still, great addon, thank you for turning me on to it!

Glad you're liking Rematch! I'm not sure if this was just added or not, but I noticed it does sort of have the queue prioritization--I think. Just above and to the right of the pet leveling queue there's a little cogwheel icon. If you press it you get the following window. Although I never used it and could be wrong here, it seems this is what you were looking for.


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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » April 21st, 2015, 4:42 pm


If you feel it is ready, you might send a PM to a board admin (Breanni or Quintessence) and ask for it to be published to the guide section. They may have further formatting suggestions as well.

Also, some considerations:
Since Squirt is still viable and there really isn't a formal guide, maybe add in some squirt strats. my votes go for:
Sepsis put some good work into those. I prefer the XT one myself (faster and can be used 2x before needing to heal)...but that gets into TGC territory.

You might also consider a faster single Carry pet strat for Ashlei as a secondary option since using two carry pets isn't worthwhile 90% of the time (only really affects when you earn more experience than you can at level 23/24 if you have all the exp buffs). Plus having multiple options is always good. I posted an Infinite Whelp strat in my original response on page 1 (again only as an option, yours is a safer strat over all and is more flexible for double carry).
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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Abbotta » April 22nd, 2015, 12:00 am

I'm going to be honest. I tend to ignore these strategy guides for WoD tamers. Mainly because I've done the WoD enough times including the Plushie achieve and I have my teams set for doing them day in and day out that I can get it done with carry pets.

Some of your strategies are similiar to mine. Who isn't using Chrominius/Mech Pandaran Dragonling for Vesharr? I swear by Emerald Proto-Whelp with Ashlei only because that was the first I used there, but Ashlei is so easy almost any Dragonkin could do it. Gargra works as long as you have two awesome mechs. Yada yada yada.

But Taralune over in Tarador - she's a pain. My strategy works but it's got RNG factor into it with my Arcane Eye/Nexus Whelpling. If I take Dusty out with 2 hits of Mana Surge using the Eye (after losing 2 rounds to cocoon), then I can power level a pet but if I have to go to the 3rd hit I know I might as well forfeit and start over. Nexus Whelpling can easily play cleanup. Did Plushie with those two.

But never thought of trying that Fragment of Desire. I used your Azure Whelpling suggestion but could have easily stuck with the Nexus. But that worked so much easier and less reliance on the RNG gods. So I have a new setup for team Talador thanks to you!

So I'm glad I did read it - thanks for posting it!

BTW have you tried Bone Serpant at Tarr? I found if you have an S/S - it can take out two of those humanoid buggers. I use that at Blighthawk.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jhane » May 4th, 2015, 10:56 am

I may have a better one for Vesharr. Give it a spin:

--- Vesharr 9-10 Rounds
Infinite Whelpling P/P 1, 2, 1
Carry, can be level 1
Chrominius 2, 1, 2

vs. both The Great Kaliri & Ancient Nest Guardian

Infinite Whelpling: Tail Sweep > Tail Sweep > Weakness > (Pass if HP >= 734) > Tail Sweep > Early Advantage > Tail Sweep

Swap to Carry > Swap to Chrominius

vs. Darkwing

Howl > Surge of Power

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Jerebear » May 11th, 2015, 5:49 pm

Sinistra03 wrote:Super helpful, thanks Donna! Is there a similarly optimized-for-speed guide to killing the old MOP trainers?
Right in our forum guides section. Look for the 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable . It still works in 6.1
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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Sepsis » May 11th, 2015, 11:02 pm

So I finally took time to do some of these...
I have to say I like that Cymre strategy from Jerebear, it replaced whatever team I had saved.
Jhane wrote:I may have a better one for Vesharr. Give it a spin:
And this one worked well too, also replaced what I had.


As for Taralune, again I like that Jerebear team. It's nice to put that Hatespark to use.
I tweaked the team I had while I was there, replaced Chrominius with a Lost of Lordaeron.
Seemed to me to work out better (than my old team) but I didn't have time to really test it.
It isn't faster than ones posted but I'll share it in case anyone would like to try it.

Lost of Lordaeron (B/B) w/ Arcane Explosion
Nexus Whelpling (P/S) w/ Mana Surge & Arcane Storm

1) Take a Nap
2-6) Arcane Explosion
7) Switch to Carry*
8) Switch to Nexus Whelpling
9) Arcane Storm
10-12) Mana Surge

*or skip to avoid carry pet damage (Counterspell) at the cost of an extra round.

The point is to get the enemy team below half health to remove their speed bonus, letting the P/S Nexus Whelp gain the advantage and clear house. The undead round with the Lost is usually wasted by the counter, but I imagine it would provide a cushion for crits otherwise.

Edit: added info.
Last edited by Sepsis on June 12th, 2015, 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Daktar » May 20th, 2015, 9:35 pm

Jhane wrote:I may have a better one for Vesharr. Give it a spin:

--- Vesharr 9-10 Rounds
Infinite Whelpling P/P 1, 2, 1
Carry, can be level 1
Chrominius 2, 1, 2

vs. both The Great Kaliri & Ancient Nest Guardian

Infinite Whelpling: Tail Sweep > Tail Sweep > Weakness > (Pass if HP >= 734) > Tail Sweep > Early Advantage > Tail Sweep

Swap to Carry > Swap to Chrominius

vs. Darkwing

Howl > Surge of Power

I have tried this a few times and infinite whelpling dies before nest guardian is dead - bring in chrominius and he is killed before he can get off surge on darkwing. not sure what is going wrong here.

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Prudentius » June 22nd, 2015, 11:03 pm

Moritsume wrote:I'd like to offer a different Taralune strategy, credit goes to prudentius@wowhead comments:

Nether Roach (any breed, however S/S are risky) (1/-/-)
Sprite Darter Hatchling or Nether Faerie Dragon (recommend S/B, but S/S usually works) (1/2/1)

1-6) Nether Blast
7) Bring in SDH, Moonfire
8) Arcane Blast
9) Swap to Carry
10) Swap to SDH
11) Life Exchange
12) Moonfire
13) Arcane Blast

This setup allows you to not worry about Counterspell or Moth Dust as the Roach is immune to Counterspell and dies to Moth Dust anyway. The swap occurs on a buff round so a level 1 works also.
Nice to see one of my pet strats make its way over here. The only real vulnerability to the roach in this strat is at the call lightning round. Beyond that I have found that if moth ball rounds from atonement get above the 70% of the attack hit your dragonkin pet is at risk of dying. This is uncommon, but has happened to me twice. Cheers!

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Graven » September 26th, 2015, 12:28 pm

Prudentius wrote:
Moritsume wrote:I'd like to offer a different Taralune strategy, credit goes to prudentius@wowhead comments:

Nether Roach (any breed, however S/S are risky) (1/-/-)
Sprite Darter Hatchling or Nether Faerie Dragon (recommend S/B, but S/S usually works) (1/2/1)

1-6) Nether Blast
7) Bring in SDH, Moonfire
8) Arcane Blast
9) Swap to Carry
10) Swap to SDH
11) Life Exchange
12) Moonfire
13) Arcane Blast

This setup allows you to not worry about Counterspell or Moth Dust as the Roach is immune to Counterspell and dies to Moth Dust anyway. The swap occurs on a buff round so a level 1 works also.
Nice to see one of my pet strats make its way over here. The only real vulnerability to the roach in this strat is at the call lightning round. Beyond that I have found that if moth ball rounds from atonement get above the 70% of the attack hit your dragonkin pet is at risk of dying. This is uncommon, but has happened to me twice. Cheers!
Thanks, nice strat. :) Only one thing to point out, just a typo really as it's written above - Arcane blast is ability 2 for the SDH so it should say 2/2/1. ;)

Thanks again. :D

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Buruan » November 22nd, 2015, 1:03 pm

Thanks OP for putting this together, this is extremely useful.

What are peoples thoughts now with Flying available.

For Horde I do :
-- Garr, Taralune, Vesharr, Ashlei
-- Garrison Hearh
-- Gagra, Cymre

Any better Ideas? I have done this several days now. Seems easy enough

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Solitha » February 23rd, 2016, 11:25 pm

Graven wrote:
Prudentius wrote:
Moritsume wrote:I'd like to offer a different Taralune strategy, credit goes to prudentius@wowhead comments:

Nether Roach (any breed, however S/S are risky) (1/-/-)
Sprite Darter Hatchling or Nether Faerie Dragon (recommend S/B, but S/S usually works) (1/2/1)

1-6) Nether Blast
7) Bring in SDH, Moonfire
8) Arcane Blast
9) Swap to Carry
10) Swap to SDH
11) Life Exchange
12) Moonfire
13) Arcane Blast

This setup allows you to not worry about Counterspell or Moth Dust as the Roach is immune to Counterspell and dies to Moth Dust anyway. The swap occurs on a buff round so a level 1 works also.
Nice to see one of my pet strats make its way over here. The only real vulnerability to the roach in this strat is at the call lightning round. Beyond that I have found that if moth ball rounds from atonement get above the 70% of the attack hit your dragonkin pet is at risk of dying. This is uncommon, but has happened to me twice. Cheers!
Thanks, nice strat. :) Only one thing to point out, just a typo really as it's written above - Arcane blast is ability 2 for the SDH so it should say 2/2/1. ;)

Thanks again. :D
Nether Blast is also 2 on the roach, so 2/-/-

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Re: Donna's "no-bs" WoD 6.1 Pet Tamer Guide

Post by Cluey » May 5th, 2016, 8:24 am

I don't normally look at guides preferring to work things out myself, however I was interested to see how much faster it could be done.
The answer is, "Much quicker than your crappy strats Cluey."

After using them I also worked out that there are SO many pets I've got no real idea how they work, I guess that's the downside to power leveling pets to increase my realm ranking here. You never actually play them.
I'd go looking for specific abilities on pet types, even different breeds sometimes, to beat specific battles but some of these setups I never would have found.

Thanks for sharing them Donna, it was quite educational. :oops:

Now I should really throw myself at the PvP ones for +1 pet. :shock:

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