(US) Vengeful Porcupette Guild PVP?

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Re: (US) Vengeful Porcupette Guild PVP?

Post by Orhaine » September 19th, 2013, 4:47 am

I'm definitely looking for an easier way to get these. Although this may be a way to do it, it may take longer than you expect, since people who are killed for a coin get a 10 minute debuff so that they can't be killed for one again right away.

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Re: (US) Vengeful Porcupette Guild PVP?

Post by Galana » September 19th, 2013, 5:58 am

I am interested also. We can try to make guild events on the calendar, and see how that goes. If we get a lot of people taking turns, it might not be too bad a process :)

Another thought I had is perhaps we can do a few guild raids, and then do a CRZ to a PVP realm, and have at it? Set a time limit for each raid to make it easier on the person who invites us. We must have people in these guilds that have mains on PVP realms. It will still take some time though, as I read you need to get the killing blow in order to have a chance at the coin, so healers are having a very hard time.

I think an event where we are taking turns would help those that are specced into healing.

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Re: (US) Vengeful Porcupette Guild PVP?

Post by Pinyin » September 23rd, 2013, 9:00 am

I'd be interested in participating if it was turn based and if we were away from everyone else? Maybe have everyone take an albatross to a pinnacle somewhere just before or past Ruby Lake?

I'm assuming we can be invited over via a party to the appropriate server?

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