Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

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Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Malenrhen » April 30th, 2014, 3:01 pm

I love Duskwood. I've been on that server from day one...however, we are dying. We used to be a high pop server then free realm transfers started and Duskwood has been in a downward spiral since Cata.

I'd like to explore the possibility of transferring but I'd like suggestions about where to look first. While I have a horde character on Madoran in MM, I am NOT a horde player, so please, Alliance only suggestions.

Thanks in advance!


Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Guest » April 30th, 2014, 3:49 pm

Whisperwind-US is pretty busy. I think it's alliance dominated, too. Trade chat is full of retards, but I expect all servers are the same.

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Debrashavi » April 30th, 2014, 4:38 pm

Icecrown merged with Malygos a few months ago and they're pretty lively. I've been an Alliance denizen of IC for a few years and there are some pretty nice people there. Since the merge, the AH is busy, progression guilds are plentiful, and trade is crazed.

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Nataliana » May 1st, 2014, 9:04 am

Proudmoore is where my alliance toons are hanging out, also a very strong alliance presence, was always busy and easy to jump in on pick up raid groups.

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Malenrhen » May 2nd, 2014, 2:38 am

Nataliana wrote:Proudmoore is where my alliance toons are hanging out, also a very strong alliance presence, was always busy and easy to jump in on pick up raid groups.
Someone said on the Dwood WoW forums that Illidan and Proudmoore were where most of the Duskwood refuges fled when given free transfers a few years back. I might roll a toon over there just to check it out. Duskwood always had one or two idiots who ruined trade until the ignore feature came out, but for the most part, even when it was a high pop server, we were fairly idiot free, which I want to keep with a new server/guild

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Radnok » June 12th, 2014, 3:20 pm

Kilroog is connected to winterhoof now, and seems to be a bit busier when I play there. Might be worth checking.

Good luck.
Radnok (Alliance/Kilrogg)
Igasho/Pandirella (Horde/Madoran)

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Gypsy » June 21st, 2014, 10:46 pm

Stormrage is very busy on the alliance side. We also have an official Warcraft Pets Guild that's recruiting on there. The auction house has amazing prices on rare pets, and we'd love for anyone to join us. Just do /who WarcraftPets and anyone online can invite. :D

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Slugggo » June 23rd, 2014, 12:34 am

According to RealmPop, Stormrage is the biggest US PvE Alliance server by a large margin: 50% larger than Proudmoore, twice that of Lightbringer.

I moved a few characters to Stormrage last spring and it's crazy how much stuff is going on there at any time of day, especially if you're used to a low/med-pop server. I just joined the WarcraftPets guild a few days ago (my shammy, Shaggi), and it's nice having people to talk pets with. :)

If you're interesting in xferring or rolling a new char there, there are both upsides and downsides to the overcrowding:

- As mentioned, the Auction House is overflowing with pets, and both the prices and selection tend to be a lot better than most servers. If you wait long enough, the high-end pet you're looking for will probably show up at a decent price.
- Additionally, if you just want to sell stuff on the AH to fund your pet buying, you'll have no problem selling basic trade goods consistently, as long as you price competively. You can sell ore, herbs, cloth, leather, gems, etc, as fast as you can farm it up.
- Celestials/Ordos kills are never a problem. Ordos probably dies 20x on Tuesdays and the Celestials die constantly, which I've found is a rarity on a lot of low/med pop servers. And killing rares on Timeless Isle is comically easy (with a downside, which I'll get to).
- If you're looking to do flexraid, or older retro raids for xmog, there are always people running everything: ICC, Ulduar, Dragon Soul, Firelands, etc. Same goes for heroic scenarios, challenge modes or random event stuff like the legendary quest events.

- Farming highly sought-after wild pets is almost futile. Felwood perpetually has a dozen people furiously flying around the Minfernal area as if one was about to spawn any second, which they never do. It's bad enough there are always Stormrage people farming it, but the area CRZ's with like three other servers, so I eventually gave up and farmed mine on a low pop server (which I also did for my Snowy Owl and Unborn Valks).
- Valley chat and Timeless Isle chat is everything you hated about Barrens chat, just with the volume cranked to 11. It's like a radio station with nothing but insane people jabbering angrily at each other. Which is occasionally funny, but more often makes you want to weep for the human race.
- If you're doing Timeless Isle stuff, there's a lot of competition for the elites for the weekly and daily quests, which you might not be used to on lower pop servers. And rares die INSTANTLY. Like, you'll see a rare 100 yards away and it'll be dead in 5 seconds before you can tap it. Although I'm not sure this is really a downside, you just have to get used to everyone running Raretimer and camp a few minutes if there's a rare you really want to kill.
- Because the pool of players is so large, a lot of people set ridiculous requirements for groups. LF2M for HS, 560+ only! Or a lot of groups sell Garrosh kills and challenge mode stuff if you don't have heroic kills or 9/9 gold.
- There was a point last year where the server still regularly had 30-60 minute queues during peak hours. It hasn't happened in months, but I expect it to happen again once WoD launches.

Wow, that turned out longer than I thought. :)

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Malenrhen » June 28th, 2014, 5:08 pm

Thanks! I'm going to roll a lowbie human tune on Stormrage tonight and check it out. It would be a while due to funds before I could move toons from Duskwood over to there, or any other server for that matter, but it would be nice to actually have people to talk to again.

I have a toon in the Madoran Horde pet guild, but I HATE horde....I just don't like the feel of the cities, etc. I've played Ally for 7 years, so that is what I feel most comfortable doing.

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Gypsy » July 1st, 2014, 3:27 pm

Happy to have you with us, Malenrhen, let me know your toon name and I'll help with bags, ect.

Gypsy (any toon with Gypsy in it should be me in the Stormrage Warcraftpets guild)

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Re: Is there are a decently busy Alliance PvE server?

Post by Pinyin » July 15th, 2014, 6:15 pm

Kargath/norgannon seem pretty lively alliance wise. I play horde though so my world/server view might be skewed.

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