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(US-H Madoran) Pilgrim's Bounty Tournament *New Time*

Posted: November 9th, 2014, 10:18 am
by Tizril
It's that time of year! I was going to do an abstract "bring what you love, not what battles best" and mix it up where everyone rolls and lowest picks first, *but* I figured we might have some hurt feelings over it, and it's so abstract it'd just end up being the cookie cutter PvP team of the day because people want to win darnit! BORING! Instead, I give you a pet list of foooood!

Who Anyone in who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When November 29th, 9:00pm server time. Mixing it up a bit so some people who can't normally make it can.
Where To Be Announced. Likely by one of the main city's bounty tables. Food FIght!
What Level 25 pets, no team switching between rounds. *Duplicate pets are not allowed this time.* Pet list is as follows:
  • FOOD! Yes, food. Turkeys, turnips, pumpkins, chickens, etc. Yes, snakes and bugs and icky stuff if you *must* (ewwww) [pet]Lil' Leftovers[/pet] is cool too, if you've got him by then. No, blood is not counting as food, so no [pet]Viscous Horror[/pet] or anything nasty like that!
  • [pet]Pierre[/pet], because you need somewhere to cook all that food!
  • Fire Elementals, for if you want to go all "back yard barbecue" on us. NO [pet]LIL' RAGNAROS[/pet] he is overdone in these, just no! ([pet]Fel Flame[/pet], [pet]Hatespark the Tiny[/pet], [pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet], [pet]Searing Scorchling[/pet], [pet]Soul of the Forge[/pet] are the ones that count under this provision, if anyone thinks of another, let me know and I'll add it) ***EDIT*** [pet]Ominous Flame[/pet] and [pet]Jadefire Spirit[/pet] count too
If you think of anything else that should be here, let me know!

Re: (US-H Madoran) Pilgrim's Bounty Tournament *New Time*

Posted: November 29th, 2014, 11:00 pm
by Baldulf
Thank you everyone for starting one of these late enough to accommodate us west-coasters! It was super-fun. I hope I can make another one sometime!

Baldulf, aka Brotherdale

Team I used:
Soul of the Forge ( Deep Burn / Stoneskin / Flamethrower )
S/S Death Adder Hatchling ( Poison Fang / Puncture / Blinding Poison )
P/P Emperor Crab (Surge / Renewing Mists / Whirlpool )

Re: (US-H Madoran) Pilgrim's Bounty Tournament *New Time*

Posted: November 30th, 2014, 1:11 am
by Tizril
No prob! I'm glad you were able to make it :)