(US-H Madoran) New Year's Baby! Tournament (Jan 3rd)
Posted: December 17th, 2014, 10:38 am
New Year's Day is all about fresh starts. Or at least pretending you're going for a fresh start... Don't judge!
Who Anyone in who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When Jan 3rd 7:00pm server time.
Where To Be Announced. Suggestions are welcome!
What Level 25 pets, no team or skill switching between rounds. *Duplicate pets are not allowed this time.* Pet list is as follows:
Pets allowed will be those that are found or bought from vendors in the racial starting zones or capitols. Holiday pets are *NOT* included in this. Some examples are:
Who Anyone in who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When Jan 3rd 7:00pm server time.
Where To Be Announced. Suggestions are welcome!
What Level 25 pets, no team or skill switching between rounds. *Duplicate pets are not allowed this time.* Pet list is as follows:
Pets allowed will be those that are found or bought from vendors in the racial starting zones or capitols. Holiday pets are *NOT* included in this. Some examples are:
- The Moths sold in Exodar
- The Snakes sold in Org
- The wild pets of Elwynn, Mulgore etc
- The [pet]Warbot[/pet] sold in Org
- The [pet]Shore Crawler[/pet] sold to Goblins in Org by the pet battle vendor.
- etc etc etc etc. You get the idea.