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(US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 8:47 am
by Tizril
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....

It is a period of critter war.
Rebel battle pets, striking
from a hidden menagerie, have won
their first victory against
the evil Beasts of Fable.

During the battle, rebel
bunnies managed to steal secret
plans to the Beasts'
ultimate weapon, the UNDESTROYABLE
CHEW TOY, an armored squeaky
toy with enough lasting power to
keep an entire army of Perky Pugs busy.

Pursued by the Beasts'
sinister agents, Princess
Kura races home aboard her
trusty kodo, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save
her pets and restore
freedom to the galaxy....

(Spoiler: they're encoded on pocket lint.)

Pet list is as follows (if you think of anything I missed, let me know!)
  • Droids: Any mechanical pets
  • Alien Species: Any humanoid pets
  • Beam Weapons: Any pets with the skills [ability]Beam[/ability], [ability]Laser[/ability], or [ability]Focused Beams[/ability]. If there are any other beam weapon skills please let me know. (Not Solar Beam, we're looking more for beam from pet A to pet B not sky to pet B)
  • The Ghosts of Jedi gone before (any ghost pet)
  • Ewoks: Bears
  • Greedo: Any Fish (HAN SHOT FIRST!)
  • Jabba the Maggot. Or is he a slime? Either or, take your pick
  • "Imperial" Pets: the eagle chick, the moth and the silkworm
  • Items Levitated using the force: eg, [pet]Enchanted Broom[/pet], [pet]Lofty Libram[/pet], etc
As usual, if a pet qualifies due to a skill it has, you *do not* have to use that skill or have it active.

Who Anyone who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When May 2nd 7:00pm server time.
Where Probably Netherstorm. Other suggestions are always welcome though!
What Level 25 pets. No duplicates, no pet or skill switching. If you can't quite hit 25 on your pets, don't worry, you won't get disqualified or anything.

As always, let me know what you think, and if I missed anything that could fit the theme ;)

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 20th, 2015, 8:13 pm
by Elena
Is it ok to have more than one from a category in a team? Like if I wanted to have 2 fish or 3 droids or something.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 20th, 2015, 8:15 pm
by Tizril
Elena wrote:Is it ok to have more than one from a category in a team? Like if I wanted to have 2 fish or 3 droids or something.

Yup, that's perfectly fine, just not 2 of the *same* fish

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 20th, 2015, 8:36 pm
by Elena
Tizril wrote:
Elena wrote:Is it ok to have more than one from a category in a team? Like if I wanted to have 2 fish or 3 droids or something.

Yup, that's perfectly fine, just not 2 of the *same* fish

Thanks! I was thinking about using a couple of the carps (different colors) or two different flower humanoids but haven 't decided for sure. :)

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 23rd, 2015, 8:01 am
by Fythra
Awww, Tiz

I'm as big a Star Wars fan as there can be....

and I'm going to be at a baseball game that night.... :cry:

I'd suggest Toshley Station in Blade's Edge's an Alliance base...

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 8:39 am
by Tizril
Aww, it's too bad you won't be able to make it Fythra.

I was thinking of doing it on either Hoth or Tatooine. Err, I mean Winterspring or Tanaris. Gadgetzan totally reminds me of Mos Eisley. Should be able to find a safe location somewhere around there. Netherstorm seemed kinda sci-fi, but I think I'll save it for another tourney ;)

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 9:00 am
by Fythra
Actually, Tanaris would be better, I feel. Tatooine is the first planet we see in the entire saga. And yes, the buildings do resemble the ones in the movie a little.

Plus, there's not a single tree on Hoth :)

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 9:11 am
by Tizril
Very true, no trees on hoth. But there is the yeti cave quest in Winterspring. Complete with hanging upside down in ice.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 26th, 2015, 9:31 pm
by Wunju
Awe man, I have to work.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 26th, 2015, 9:32 pm
by Wunju
Tizril wrote:Very true, no trees on hoth. But there is the yeti cave quest in Winterspring. Complete with hanging upside down in ice.
I thought they took the yeti recipe out of the game.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 28th, 2015, 2:56 pm
by Tizril
Wunju wrote: I thought they took the yeti recipe out of the game.
Yeah, the yeti pet recipe is no longer obtainable, but there's still some quests there with yetis in a cave, Echo Three being an example of one heavily influenced by Star Wars.

Anyhoo, I think Gadgetzan is going to be where it's at, unless I think of something better before then.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 3:58 pm
by Cheaptoad
Maybe I'm dense, but can someone explain what this is exactly? It sounds really fun based on what I can figure out.


Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 4:41 pm
by Dicrostonyx
Cheaptoad, it's a single elimination (ie, lose once and you're out) pet battle tournament. Your pet battle team will consist of three level 25 pets, each of which must be chosen from the pet list. To play you must have an alt in Littlest Pet League, the guild used to disburse prizes, and that character must be level 10 or higher (to join the raid).

Tizril, sounds like fun, but some friends and I are watching the last three MCU films on Saturday, so I shan't be free. May the force be with your tournament!

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 7:10 pm
by Pettea
Sadly I'm in Europe :)

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 9:29 pm
by Tizril
Dicrostonyx wrote:Cheaptoad, it's a single elimination (ie, lose once and you're out) pet battle tournament. Your pet battle team will consist of three level 25 pets, each of which must be chosen from the pet list. To play you must have an alt in Littlest Pet League, the guild used to disburse prizes, and that character must be level 10 or higher (to join the raid).

Tizril, sounds like fun, but some friends and I are watching the last three MCU films on Saturday, so I shan't be free. May the force be with your tournament!
Thanks! I'm sure quite a few folks will be busy this weekend, either watching Star Wars (as we will be) or going to see Avengers (as we *may* be, lol) There will be another in 3 weeks or so, most likely. Not sure what theme yet.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 11:25 pm
by Cheaptoad
Dicrostonyx wrote:Cheaptoad, it's a single elimination (ie, lose once and you're out) pet battle tournament. Your pet battle team will consist of three level 25 pets, each of which must be chosen from the pet list. To play you must have an alt in Littlest Pet League, the guild used to disburse prizes, and that character must be level 10 or higher (to join the raid).

Tizril, sounds like fun, but some friends and I are watching the last three MCU films on Saturday, so I shan't be free. May the force be with your tournament!

I would like to take part. I do not have a level 10. Ill try to level up a new toon by then.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: May 1st, 2015, 7:55 am
by Tizril
Cheaptoad wrote:I would like to take part. I do not have a level 10. Ill try to level up a new toon by then.
It doesn't take long at all to get to 10. Anyone online in <Littlest Pet League> is able to invite, and if there's no one online when you're on, lots of folks from <Warcraft Pets>, <Magical Menagerie>, and <Pet Peeves> have alts in there and will gladly hop over to send an invite.

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: May 3rd, 2015, 10:23 am
by Arizonared
May 2nd summoning web.jpg
May 2nd summoning web.jpg (46.18KiB)Viewed 9761 times
May 2nd tourney web.jpg
May 2nd tourney web.jpg (46.18KiB)Viewed 9761 times
May 2nd web.jpg
May 2nd web.jpg (45.95KiB)Viewed 9761 times

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: May 3rd, 2015, 10:25 am
by Arizonared
May 2nd tourney spiders web.jpg
Where did the spiders come from? :)
May 2nd tourney spiders web.jpg (51.28KiB)Viewed 9761 times

Re: (US-H Madoran) May 2nd Pet Tournament

Posted: May 3rd, 2015, 5:12 pm
by Aquitas
I Am sad I missed this. I work weekends, any chance of having a tourney on a weekday?
