(US-H Madoran) Raiding with Leashes Tourney
Posted: May 12th, 2015, 3:55 pm
Hi all! I know we normally have these every three weeks, but my May is pretty darn busy, sorry. A few folks have mentioned that they would like to have a tournament on a week night. I can see about doing that once my kiddo is out of school for the summer, but until then it has to be weekend nights. That is, unless someone else wants to start running some tournaments in addition to our weekend ones.... If there are any particular week nights that work for you guys, let me know eh. I normally just shoot for Saturday because it seems to be the night that the most people have off.
Anyway, on to the tournament details!
Who Anyone who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When May 30th 8:00pm server time. *** This is an hour later than normal, as some folks have asked for a later start ***
Where Outside a Raid, probably Karazhan, up on the terraces or something.
What Level 25 pets. No duplicates, no pet or skill switching. If you can't quite hit 25 on your pets, don't worry, you won't get disqualified or anything.
The Pet List:

Anyway, on to the tournament details!
Who Anyone who's in our guild family is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group. Please bring an alt over to <Littlest Pet League> as that's where the prizes are!
When May 30th 8:00pm server time. *** This is an hour later than normal, as some folks have asked for a later start ***
Where Outside a Raid, probably Karazhan, up on the terraces or something.
What Level 25 pets. No duplicates, no pet or skill switching. If you can't quite hit 25 on your pets, don't worry, you won't get disqualified or anything.
The Pet List:
- Any pets that drop in a raid zone.
- The pets that are awarded from the raiding with leashes achievements.