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How about a contest?

Posted: May 16th, 2015, 10:34 pm
by Cheaptoad
I've been fishing A LOT and have caught an extra Tiny Red Carp or two that I'd like to give away.
I want to come up with a contest, but I'n not sure what kind. I'd be much appreciative for some of your ideas.
I do have one idea. If I can get it to work properly I think it could be fun. It would be an in game scavenger hunt.
We all know how they work. You get a list, you have a given amount of time, first one in wins. Like I said I have a couple of extra, so, if this goes well we can have more.

I had a thought, to make it very even maybe we all need to start a new char just for this contest. That would be just too funny.
Level 1, no money, no armor, no nothing. Plus I have no idea what should be on this list. I'd need help with that.

BTW, of course it would be open to anyone associated with WCP.

What do you think?


Please reply to this post if you'd take part in something like this.

Re: How about a contest?

Posted: May 17th, 2015, 5:04 pm
by Cheaptoad
Wow! No interest at all so far?

Re: How about a contest?

Posted: May 21st, 2015, 6:30 pm
by Tribble
Sounds like fun to me!

Re: How about a contest?

Posted: May 22nd, 2015, 11:32 pm
by Cheaptoad
Tribble wrote:Sounds like fun to me!

I'd just need someone to help me put it together.

Re: How about a contest?

Posted: May 29th, 2015, 11:56 pm
by Dicrostonyx
A couple of years ago, I did a guild group naked Gnome run. It was just five of us, no heirlooms or cash, and we managed to get to the summoning crystal under Dalaran. Unfortunately, the crystal isn't usable until you first take it from above (or perhaps it's level linked), but my point is that, depending on how much time people have, you might want to make it a touch-the-flag style race.

Get a few volunteers to put high level characters at check-in points, and people have to go to that point, perform a short task (do a specific emote, buy an item, talk to an NPC, etc.) then report back. Only after they do the task do they get told the next location. Flag PCs would likely want to use macros to communicate (eg, /r %t Your next destination in the Emerald Dream gate in Duskwood).

This preserves the player skill aspect of requiring game knowledge, but replaces items with world locations.