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Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 7:47 pm
by Fythra
Magical Menagerie has a rodent crate in the guild bank. Interest has been expressed in it as the person inquiring doesn't have the pet. However, i am reluctant to let one person use it as 2000 badges to buy it is a real chore. Thus, I am wondering how many others do not have the pet. A crate opening event can be scheduled. I'm just not sure when it can be held. Any ideas?

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 10:07 pm
by Decopauge
I would greatly appreciate being invited to participate in the opening of Magical Menagerie's Sumprush Rodent Crate. I'm a very avid Battle Pet Collector (571), and was disheartened when I saw how many badges it would take to purchase the crate. Please let me know if if you schedule an opening of the crate.

As for when to schedule an opening, I'm on playing WoW just about every day and my schedule is fairly open.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 11:18 pm
by Montzz
id love to catch one if possible

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 23rd, 2015, 9:44 am
by Fythra
Tentatively scheduling the opening for Saturday Jan 2nd. Time TBD. 7pm server or 8pm server works for me but may not for everyone. I prefer the weekend to a weekday. Let me know if there are any preferences.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 26th, 2015, 11:27 am
by Yazlor
Thanks! I will put this on my calendar!

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: December 31st, 2015, 8:54 am
by Fythra
Okay. For those interested in the crate opening I'm looking at 7pm server time. As the crate lasts an hour there is some leeway if you're a bit late. But I can always hold off on the opening a little bit if someone is going to be really late.

My battletag is Fythra1260 since this will be held on Madoran-US.

I'll be starting invites shortly before the start time.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 1:22 pm
by Revmrblacktn
Is there any chance you can do this again?

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: January 28th, 2016, 8:42 am
by Fythra
I can do another one. I think there are a couple more crates available. Just let me know when the best time for you is.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: January 28th, 2016, 11:39 am
by Revmrblacktn
I am available anytime after 4:00 PM EST. Just need a few days advance notice.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 8:57 am
by Fythra
I think I'm going to go ahead and open a crate Friday the 19th at 8pm EST. Spread the word. I'll update later in the week if needed.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 11:36 am
by Mibeerlover
I'm super excited about this. Should we send you a note ahead of time to let you know we are interested.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 16th, 2016, 9:20 am
by Fythra
Sending me a note is just fine. I try to be online every evening except for Tuesdays when I'm busy. My battletag is Fythra1260 in case you want to speak to me when I'm on.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 18th, 2016, 11:09 am
by Revmrblacktn
Are you still a go for Friday, Feb. 19th? Thanks so much.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 18th, 2016, 10:45 pm
by Duskbunny
I would really appreciate an invite to the opening. :)

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 18th, 2016, 10:56 pm
by Mibeerlover
Fythra. I tried to speak with you but I'm having trouble. It's saying player not found. My battle tag blueopossum. I will for sure be on tomorrow night. Told my wife I had plans lol

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 9:19 am
by Fythra
Still a go for tonight.

I think you need to add a # to the battletag. So, my tag is actually Fythra#1260. I always forget about that.

Oh, and just a reminder, it is a Horde event and you need Domination Point unlocked. I'll wait until we have everyone there until opening. There was one case where someone new joined and it phased everyone into a new server losing the crate. Don't want to repeat that :).

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 9:38 am
by Revmrblacktn
So sad. I am Alliance. Was so looking forward to this event.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 10:36 am
by Fythra
Revmrblacktn wrote:So sad. I am Alliance. Was so looking forward to this event.
Ugh, I'm sorry. :( I know Alliance can get to Dom Point and battle the rodents. You just have to be careful of the guards. Unfortunately I don't think you'll be able to with the way CRZ works.

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 11:43 am
by Bellamorda
Ya, I farmed that...ALL 2000...what a pain. I yelled out in the area and invited a few friends and guild members to get them while they can! A few weeks later I went there to finish out the quests to get my mounts and someone had opened one and there was a bunch...oh well, live and learn!

Re: Sumprush Rodent Crate

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 1:22 pm
by Mibeerlover
I have a new horde level 100 character but that isn't unlocked yet. I'll do the quest leading up to it when I get off work. Thanks for letting us know. I may be a nerd because I've been looking forward to this all day lmao.