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US-Madoran-H; Pet PvP Tourney Dec. 29th, 6 Central/server

Posted: December 11th, 2017, 4:22 pm
by Brandmooin
Hiya Guildies! I am pleased to announce the return of Pet PvP Tournaments (well, at least one or two).

Feedback from prior Tourneys indicated that many of you already have all the pets that were in the prize fund, and also that RNG could knock out a good team in the first round. So, this time we will move away from single-elimination and instead everyone will play 4 rounds, in a more competitive system focused on play rather that prizes.

Pairings will be done using a modified Dutch system, tweaked to accommodate our unique needs. This is the pairing system used in international chess matches (FIDE), tried and true and hopefully efficient.

Also, we will be using another idea borrowed from the chess world; only the top three players will be awarded prizes – nice ones, to be announced later. Everyone else will get a “party favor” type treat. This is about the experience, and gamesmanship, more than prizes.

The theme is Wild Pets – you can make teams from any pet that is currently available wild. So, only pets available for wild capture during the month of December, 2017 will be allowed. You can switch teams between matches.

To participate, you must be logged in on a character in our guild family that is over level 10. No exceptions. Only 38 people can participate, so the first who log and get summoned in (or fly over) starting 10 minutes in advance will be given spots.
Stay tuned for further updates as the day draws closer.

Also, there is a little more info in the Facebook calendar listing.

I look forward to serving you in this event as your Tournament Director. Will you be prepared?