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(US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 5:22 pm
by Tizril
So, apparently, May 2nd is Harry Potter Day. Who knew? Not me, but anyway....

What better excuse do we need to do a Harry Potter themed pet tournament? None! That's what I'd say!

What: A Harry Potter Pet Tourney! (Level 25 pets)

When: May 3rd (because the 2nd is a Thursday boooooo) at 7pm server time (if this time is awful, let me know, it can be changed

Where: Dunno yet, sorry. If 5.3 hits first, it's *totally* going to be in Karazhan if folks are high level enough, but other than that, not sure yet. Maybe on top of Kara on one of the platforms?

Requirements: No entry fee, but ya do need to be level 10 to join the raid group.

Prizes: Of course! (Could I be more vague? Okay, okay, pets and gold, happy? :lol: )

Wear a costume, have some fun, get some pet PVP practice! We'll be following the "set your team and keep it the same" format, and doing round robin, so everyone gets to duel everyone.


Your typical wizard familiars, of course. IE cats, rats, frogs. (Feline Familiar fits soooooo well, mechanical familiars, ie Fluxfire Feline and Lifelike Toad are also permitted, for those with animal allergies)
Lizards make good familiars also (IE Lizard Hatchling or anything else with that model)
The mascot of your favorite house, snakes, gryphons, badgers (aka pandas, it's a stretch, but shush) and ravens (crows are close enough)
Magical tomes of all sorts.
Your trusty nimbus 2000 (Enchanted Broom)
Magical lanterns for sneaking around the castle at night.
Owls! How else would we get our mail? (Jade Owl included)
Everyone's favorite dementors, the Lost of Lordaeron and the Restless Shadeling
Fluffy! (Corehound Pup)
Buckbeak! (Cenarion Hatchling or Hippogryph Hatchling)
Aragog! (Spiders, ewwwww)
Fang! (I know, Perky Pug is a sad replacement, but wolves are already on the list ;))
Fawkes! How could I forget Fawkes! (Phoenix Hatchling, and Dark Phoenix)
House elves, of course! (Corefire Imp, Peddlefeet, Gregarious Grell, and the Winter's Helpers.)
Wolves and Warewolves (Curious Wolvar Pup)
Deer and Stags in honor of Harry's beloved father (yes, Winter Reindeer counts as a stag)
Basilisks, Run Muggle-Borns run!
Flobberworms (any maggot/worm/grub, thanks Zavulon!)
Hippocamps (Sea Pony)
Magical Stones, such as the Philosopher's Stone (Crimson Geode, Elementium Geode, and Ashstone Core)
Magical plants of course, from the whomping willow to mandrakes, the potter-verse is full of them. (This includes the Terrible Turnip, Singing Sunflower, Venus, Withers, Ruby Sapling, the lashers, and any other plant pets i may have missed. (thanks Bloodyfields))

And what would any magical would be without dragons? (How I forgot to put them on the list is beyond me, they were on the list in my mind, I swear ;)) All whelps are welcome, except the Mechanical Pandaren one, as it really doesn't fit.

I really wish there was a pet version of those little elemental sprites in Pandaria, those wold totally be mandrakes, but oh well *sigh*

Did I miss anything? Of course I did! Let me know what you think.

***Edited again to add more pets to the list :) *** (And again! How in the world did I forget dragons?) (And again! You guys rock!) (Again ;) See, my mind is swiss chese, I need y'all)
***Edited title to avoid confusion, sorry Tahsfenz***

Re: (US Guild) Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 5:32 pm
by Tahsfenz
Is it bad that I thought it was a plant /spring based event (like potting plants)

Re: (US Guild) Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by Tizril
Oh how I wish there were enough plant themed pets to do a spring flowers tourney. If Easter weren't coming up so soon I'd be doing a spring one then, but it's a bit short notice for everyone I think.

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 5:49 pm
by Tahsfenz
A spring one can still be done. With spring being so late to start anyways. I'd be more than happy to help with it, being a garden center manager, I know a few things about it!

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 9:48 pm
by Thralla
Great idea, Tiz! Wish I had more time to lvl pets. =D

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 10:17 pm
by Tahsfenz
This may be a silly question, but do jade owls count?

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 27th, 2013, 8:17 am
by Ty
Count me in!! Us pet-thon coordinators have to stick together!! :lol:

Does corefire imp = Dooby??

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 27th, 2013, 11:41 am
by Tizril
Ooooh, Jade owls, yes! They're like magical owls! and sure, corefire imp would make a great Dobby, maybe the winter helpers and peddlefeet too? They're humanoid servants and all that. Also, thinking wolves should be added, and stags/deer maybe? (shape shiters and all...)

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 27th, 2013, 5:31 pm
by Pandorra
How detailed should we get, lol?

Maybe we should have any green colored dragonlings (green proto whelp or emerald whelpling, off the top) for Norbert,
or include whelpling style dragons (onyxian, deathwing, dark, emerald, crimson, etc.) but not the pandaren style ones,
you know what I mean? Maybe thats getting a bit too complex, lol.

Also, you might also consider the Restless Shadeling in the dementor section.


Edit: OMG how could I forget the Phoenix Hatchling must be included for Fawkes (Dumbledores phoenix)!!!!

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 27th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by Tizril
Oooh thank you Pandorra! How could I forget Fawkes? *shame*

You make a valid point about the Pandaren dragons, there was a Chinese Fireball dragon, but was still built more like a European dragon, just a bit longer (at least in the books). I think the Pandaren whelps should still be allowed, but not the mechanical one, as that doesn't fit the theme *at all*

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 2:33 am
by Doobjanka
Any Basilisk has to count for the basilisk that wasn't a basilisk, plus any snake and spider pet. Heck, might be easier to list what you can't use. ... rry_Potter

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 4:17 am
by Zavulon
Ooo, ooo! How about any of the magical beasts that Hagrid would teach> For example; Mr. Grubbs or any of the maggots would be flobberworms. :lol: (Bontakun)

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 8:45 am
by Tizril
Lol, I think you're right Doob, easier to say what *isn't* allowed, but more fun to list what is. Thanks so much for the suggestions folks, this is really fun!

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 31st, 2013, 7:09 pm
by Bloodyfields
Very Mandrake like the Terrible Turnip, while perhaps not the greatest of battle pets seems to fit well with the theme. As do Crimson, Ammen Vale lasher, Sinister Squashling and the ever popular Singing Sunflower.

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: March 31st, 2013, 9:33 pm
by Adiamaea
I think this is a terrific idea! Splendid! I will definitely come! Can we bring out toons from other servers? :oops:

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: April 1st, 2013, 8:42 am
by Tizril
I'm not explicitly against allowing toons from other servers, but problems arise due to the constraints of CRZ. A cross realm entrant would not be able to accept any prizes as neither gold nor pets are tradable to CRZ folks. That's why we keep the level requirement low (10), so people can always make a toon here even if it's just to run the contests.

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: April 2nd, 2013, 2:00 am
by Aingealwroth
At one point I had a HP team, but ended up needing the pets for other teams... I suppose this is a good excuse to make a new one?
:roll: :lol: :roll:
I will do my best to be there (cause more stuff with pets is goooood) and try to have a costume this time.

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 5:59 am
by Balut
((Don't hit my hand with a Ruler...but)) I have never actually leveled ANY of my pets to 25! XD But Tý told me about this event...and this is quite great. I was actually leveling a team...and he was like they probably wont be able to be in the event, and advised me to check the criteria....and I read this and was like COOL.... So my first event, and first level 25s! WEEE WHOOOOO =)

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 8:17 am
by Tizril
It'd be great to have you Balut! It's a pretty big list, so it should be fairly easy to find something to level up. Once you get a few 25s, it gets easier and easier to get more.

Re: (US Guild) Harry Potter-thon Pet Tourney May 3rd

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 1:33 pm
by Balut
My Team so far is Phoenix Hatchling with name of "FauxFawkes", Lost of Lordaeron with name of "FauxGreyLady" and Peddlefeet with (yes you guessed it) a name of "FauxDobby". I thought it was clever if I do say so myself. =)