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(US-H-Madoran) Sumprush Rodent

Posted: November 22nd, 2013, 5:27 pm
by Tizril
Hi guys!

I have enough Commissions to grab the rodent crate, ([pet]Sumprush Rodent[/pet]) so I was wondering if anyone on Madoran Horde still needs this pet, and if so, when a good time would be to drop the crate. *Remember*, to get the pet you need to be 90 and have the Domination Point area unlocked (it's like 5 minutes of quests, really easy). Anyhoo, let me know! We'll get a guild event up on the calendar once I've got a day/time figured out.

Re: (US-H-Madoran) Sumprush Rodent

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by Kjerstin
Unfortunately, my alt (Peri) in the guild is nowhere near being 90. I have a level 90 horde on a different server and I am nowhere close to getting enough tokens for the crate. Could we get this as a cross-realm event?

Re: (US-H-Madoran) Sumprush Rodent

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 2:31 pm
by Brisela
Can we possibly do it after 12/4 unless you can drop it before Monday :D I am not going to be available till then


Re: (US-H-Madoran) Sumprush Rodent

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 8:19 pm
by Tizril
Cross realm for this is just fine, so long as your 90 is horde! I'll keep that in mind Brisela, so far I'm thinking the weekend of December 7th.