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Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 12:44 am
by Doobjanka
Same rules as listed in the [url=]WarcraftPets Family Guild Rules[/url] apply

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: November 29th, 2013, 11:08 pm
by Bloodyfields
I would like to clarify some guidelines regarding guild bank usage. Our g/bank is usually chock full through the generosity of members and officers. Mostly items that can be of use while leveling a toon or professions. Sometimes we get too much of a good thing and have to clean house a little. Keep in mind those who donate to the g/bank could have vendored or sold on AH to help their own toons. Instead they repay the kindness of the guild and other members by contributing back.

Magical Menagerie as well as WCP practice a "pay it forward" model. We help you, you help others. Guild helps you, you help guild and guildies. This makes for a nice, friendly, tight knit guild. Guildies who understand and follow this principle are the greatest guildies and makes me proud to be acting GM.

Some prefer to use the "I'm going to take all I can and profit from it by selling on AH house and keep the gold because I roll like that" model. Same sort of players who ninja loot in dungs/raids. Take ore nodes/herbs while you're fighting off a mob to get to the node/herbs. Apparently this type of player thinks it makes them "cool". To me, to most of the guildies in MM and WCP it makes them nothing more than the biggest jerks. They betray their guildies, betray our kindness, generosity, betray our trust. Most likely if they are even reading this, they don't understand what these guilds are about.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 2:09 am
by Kakuraffe
I'm sorry to nerco-bump this, but I have to say this guild was so incredible, I wish I had the money to move all my characters over! I was a little worried, a lot of people sometime leads to problems but that was certainly not the case! You guys are very awesome and I thank you for the awesome pet and wonderful time hanging out with you all! (Thankfully they have CR BoA gear so I'm working on that! ^_^!)

Indeed - Magical Menagerie Guild does Rule! (Omg I'm a nerd. :geek: !)

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: March 4th, 2014, 2:58 pm
by Terribletim68
How do the contests work? Is there a schedule for them? What do they consist of? All that stuff. I been curious about that since I saw that tab in the GV.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 12:28 pm
by Ryshat
I gotta say, I was invited in last night as was met with a warm greeting, fun conversation and an overall good feeling.

This is already head and shoulders above most guilds I've been a part of. Thanks for having me. =)

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 12th, 2014, 5:21 am
by Jumi
I got booted and know for a fact that I've only been inactive for two months. >:(

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 13th, 2014, 2:32 pm
by Tizril
If anyone gets booted for inactivity they're always welcome back! Just send someone a tell wen you come on for a re-invite. It can be hard to tell who is planning to come back, and who just came for the pet and is now done here.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 15th, 2014, 7:51 am
by Bloodyfields
Jumi wrote:I got booted and know for a fact that I've only been inactive for two months. >:(
Jumi, my apologies that you got caught in the crossfire of a purge.

Due to the guild member cap of 999 members I sometimes have to purge outside the normal guidelines so there is room for other new members seeking the pet as well as having plenty of room for our regular members. If you are planning for any reason to be taking a break from the game or guild. Please send Bloodyfields an in game mail advising me of the toon or toons and I can move them to the "Family" rank which is a no kick rank.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 16th, 2014, 6:18 am
by GormanGhaste
Come join Pet Peeves, Jumi! I think our membership levels are still low enough we don't have to purge very often.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: April 19th, 2014, 12:28 am
by Gripwik
Would love an Invite!!! I love Battle Petting, mostly for the collection aspect and Lore. My toon is on Madoran server and name is Gripwik (horde of course). I would be honored to get in. Everyone seems great! :)

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: July 7th, 2014, 9:02 am
by Throatslit
These guys are so wonderfully generous and friendly.

Got an odd issue though. I got purged (inactivity, I was not playing for a long while) got back on, requested an invite, all sweet. Again I have been inactive for a while, went back in tonight and I am still a guild member :) However very very strangely I have no guild rep now. I did not join any guild in between my purge and re-joining. Luckily I had been to exalted and got my beautiful pets! Has anyone else seen this?

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: July 8th, 2014, 7:37 pm
by Doobjanka
Throatslit, I have never heard of this happening before. I'd suggest putting in a ticket to ask the GM's what could have possibly caused that! Let us know!

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: July 16th, 2014, 4:30 pm
by Frog
This is an awesome guild. Have learned a ton by lurking in guild chat. Thanks for being so welcoming!

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 8:00 am
by Doobjanka
Hi all! Due to the recently influx of brand new members for the pet, we'll be doing another guild purge to make room. Pet Hound and above should be safe. As always, if you get booted for inactivity you're welcome back at any time. I just happened to witness at least thirty new members last night for the few hours I was online!

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 2:00 pm
by Jaladar
Awesome group of people. I made a toon with my son the other day who doesn't have the pet yet and we are working on leveling from scratch. Fitting in the time with his school schedule is tricky but I am sure we will get where we need to be in time. Thanks again for letting us join.


Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 6:47 pm
by Kyuu
Who do I need to message in game to switch from Warcraftpets to Magical Menagerie?

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 8:13 pm
by Drazius
I have my main in Warcraftpets and tried to get my alt in Menagerie but couldn't get invited in because the person online said they couldn't spell my name (ßerserk). I nicely replied on how to type that ß (hold alt then press 0223) then they said its not for them and sorry.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 8:42 pm
by Maryalee
Unusual question: how is the raiding? Not happy where I am, and if I were going to transfer it would be nice to have a place where I could raid with nice people.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 9:20 pm
by Blixtiya
Drazius wrote:I have my main in Warcraftpets and tried to get my alt in Menagerie but couldn't get invited in because the person online said they couldn't spell my name (ßerserk). I nicely replied on how to type that ß (hold alt then press 0223) then they said its not for them and sorry.
It was me you whispered, and I told you that I can't do that. the reason I can't is because my computer dont register the "alt+numbers".

And while I usually would google-copy-paste it (Ive done that a number of times) I was in a dungeon when you were whispering me.

I apologize that you took it the wrong way, and that I couldnt reply longer replies than I did, but of course you are welcome to get in the guild.

Re: Magical Menagerie Guild Rules

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 10:51 pm
by Drazius
Blixtiya wrote:
Drazius wrote:I have my main in Warcraftpets and tried to get my alt in Menagerie but couldn't get invited in because the person online said they couldn't spell my name (ßerserk). I nicely replied on how to type that ß (hold alt then press 0223) then they said its not for them and sorry.
It was me you whispered, and I told you that I can't do that. the reason I can't is because my computer dont register the "alt+numbers".

And while I usually would google-copy-paste it (Ive done that a number of times) I was in a dungeon when you were whispering me.

I apologize that you took it the wrong way, and that I couldnt reply longer replies than I did, but of course you are welcome to get in the guild.
No worries. I didn't realize you where in a dungeon. Sorry about that.