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(US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:48 am
by Tizril
Happy holidays, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, happy Festivus, happy whatever you do. :)

Soooo, let's have a holiday pet tournament!

When: Saturday December 28th, 7pm server time. If this is an awful date/time, let me know.
Where: Not sure yet, Wish we could duel in town under the tree, but oh well....
Who: Open to anyone in <Warcraftpets> or <Magical Menagerie> ****that is level 10+*****.
What: Level 25 pets, no team switching between battles, Single elimination if over 16 people come, double elimination if it's fewer than that, the usuals..

The Pets:
(This is just a guideline, not the entire list. If your pet meets these criteria it's good, you don't need to clear every pet by me. I try to give a pet from every family as an example, but there are far far more that are okay)

- All the Winterveil pets. [pet]Clockwork Rocket Bot[/pet] included
- Anything cold, that routinely lives in a cold place, or that uses cold spells. (Penguins, Yetis, Arctic Fox, [pet]Mr. Bigglesworth[/pet], [pet]Water Waveling[/pet] etc.)
- Anything Green ([pet]Tiny Green Carp[/pet], [pet]Emerald Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Eye of the Legion[/pet], [pet]Snarly[/pet], [pet]Jade Owl[/pet] etc.)
- Anything Red ([pet]Magical Crawdad[/pet], [pet]Lashtail Hatcling[/pet], [pet]Vengeful Porcupette[/pet], [pet]Festival Lantern[/pet], [pet]Ji-Kun Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji[/pet] etc.)
- Anything Gold ([pet]Tiny Goldfish[/pet], [pet]Wild Golden hatchling[/pet], [pet]Golden Pig[/pet] etc.) Bright yellow will count too, as "gold" is kinda subjective.
Special Cases:
- I'm going to say that [pet]Unborn Val'kyr[/pet] is allowed. She looks like an angel, that's a Christmassy thing, right? ;)
- Turkeys and Pigs are good, for the good ol' Turkey or Ham Dinner
- [pet]Netherspace Abyssal[/pet], and the [pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet] are being added to the list, for the whole "Christmas log" thing.
- Tree pets, for the good ol' Christmas tree (example: [pet]WIthers[/pet])

ALSO, [pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet] counts, both because it will be covered in snow, and because it's a tree.

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions let me know!

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 4th, 2013, 1:06 pm
by Jabart
Count me in!

Would Blossoming Ancient fulfill the cold requirement (assuming it changes to its Winter appearance by then)?

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 4th, 2013, 1:20 pm
by Tizril
Yup, Blossoming Ancient will fulfill the cold requirement, as by that time it will be covered in snow. It should be changing on the winter solstice.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:03 pm
by Jabart
Tizril wrote:Yup, Blossoming Ancient will fulfill the cold requirement, as by that time it will be covered in snow. It should be changing on the winter solstice.
Awesome, thanks!

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 4th, 2013, 9:22 pm
by Hypah
Would the fiendish Imp be allowed as a sort of "grinch that stole christmas?"

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 6:06 am
by Zavulon
IMHO, the new Rotten Little Helper would be the "Grinch that Stole Xmas" pet.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 1:20 pm
by Tizril
Zavulon wrote:IMHO, the new Rotten Little Helper would be the "Grinch that Stole Xmas" pet.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Also why I'm doing the tourney a few days after Christmas, to give everyone a chance to grab the new pet and level it up for the tourney if they like.

If you're looking for an imp to bring, I'm pretty sure the [pet]Corefire Imp[/pet] is red, so it'd match that criteria.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 1:33 pm
by Aingealwroth
Will try to remember this tourney, since I forgot about the last one. =0

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 3:01 pm
by Askania
I'm in I actually have pets that can be included in this one. Not sure how it all works so I will do some reading of the forums before then :)

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 6:41 pm
by Tizril
It's fairly simple :) You just need 3 pets that are level 25 and meet the required criteria. Then we all get together somewhere, and I call out who is dueling with whom, winners move on to the next round, losers stay and watch, as everyone gets a prize from the guild bank in the end. It's quite fun!

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 11th, 2013, 11:13 pm
by Hannabev
I should be able to make this one and join in this time! Cant wait :) Currently leveling 2 pets for my team. Without saying what I'm using, they are currently at lvls 25/23/21 ...go go go!
-Gaska (MM)

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 10:30 am
by Aingealwroth
Would the Lil Bad Wolf work?
Doubting it, but if it does, I have a team, isn't that always the way?

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 12:57 pm
by Tizril
Aingealwroth wrote:Would the Lil Bad Wolf work?
Doubting it, but if it does, I have a team, isn't that always the way?
Not sure which category it'd fit in. Maybe gold for his clothes? It'd be a bit of a stretch though.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 26th, 2013, 5:59 pm
by Aingealwroth
Okies, thank you. Not sure I have another team that even sort of fits, lol.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 27th, 2013, 2:26 am
by Azguarde
Gonna try to make this tourney. Hopefully work and kid will let me.

Couple questions. Would [pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet] count as red? And would [pet]Murkalot[/pet] count as gold cause of the glowing eyes?

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 27th, 2013, 12:02 pm
by Tizril
Eh, sure, might as well loosen up the requirements. We'll allow lil bad wolf for his goldish clothes, and lil deathwing for his red wings, and murkalot because he's got a gold flail and eyes and he's just too cute to say no to.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 12:49 am
by Hannabev
Hi all! Just confirming that if the Tourny is still on and will be tomorrow at 5pm pacific? (I am in in Nevada)
My mom is visiting us in for the Holidays, and I will have to excuse myself into the other room so I don't want to be on too late/early - see you all soon!

_Gaska (MM)

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 10:41 am
by Bloodyfields
Hannabev wrote:Hi all! Just confirming that if the Tourny is still on and will be tomorrow at 5pm pacific? (I am in in Nevada)
My mom is visiting us in for the Holidays, and I will have to excuse myself into the other room so I don't want to be on too late/early - see you all soon!

_Gaska (MM)

Nothing has been said about the tourney not being on. All systems go. Plan is for 7 pm server which is the same as CST so you are correct it would be 5 pm your time. Look forward to seeing your there, if I can get up in time.

Re: (US-H-Madoran)Happy Holidays Tournament

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 11:36 am
by Tizril
Yup, we're still good to go! Probably going to be by the Greench's Cave, just fyi :)

Thanks everyone for coming, it was a blast! We had 27 participants, such a stellar turnout!