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Re: UPDATED-LF Off-tank for raid team, and extra healers

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 10:02 pm
by Bloodyfields
Brandmooin wrote:If any DPS are reading this, please don't take it to mean we don't want you. We sometimes have room for more dps, also, and this can be a great fit for someone who is sometimes on Sunday afternoon/evening, as we do a shout out into Gchat for extra hands when we have room. Understand, though, that we need people who have gems and enchants, and are doing 60k++ dps, otherwise you would reduce our success chances rather than boost them. Who wants to be "that guy"?

Oh, oh, oh, me, pick me. I want to be "that guy". I love to stand in fire and other shiny pools. Have all the agility of a great Kodo beast. Always willing to "take one for the team" and complain loudly that no one will give me a battle rez. I stand alone when we are supposed to stack, cuz I roll like that.

Just kidding. I have a 540+ ilvl, gemmed, reforged, enchanted. Do +/- 80K DPS unbuffed. Sadly the raid times just don't work for my schedule. *sigh*

M'lady Brand it's great how you've been putting this together. I've had many positive comments in g/chat about the raids and know others would love to be able to join in. Keep up the good work, fight the good fight and best of luck.

Braelinori and his wife Nystanda are trying to organize a late night/weekend raid group for us "mole people" and members from down under interested in raiding. If I understand correctly Fu is working on it from the WCP side. Primarily looking for a similar makeup as to what Lady Brand detailed above.

Hope you all have fun and kill em all.

Re: UPDATED-LF Off-tank for raid team, and extra healers

Posted: March 17th, 2014, 11:42 am
by Awenina
Brandmooin wrote:If any DPS are reading this, please don't take it to mean we don't want you. We sometimes have room for more dps, also, and this can be a great fit for someone who is sometimes on Sunday afternoon/evening, as we do a shout out into Gchat for extra hands when we have room. Understand, though, that we need people who have gems and enchants, and are doing 60k++ dps, otherwise you would reduce our success chances rather than boost them. Who wants to be "that guy"?
I would love to start raiding with my insta 90 Hunterawen, but don't have the gear, glyphs or gems. I'm presently doing Timeless Isle to gear her up as fast as I can.

I also have a DK that I could instanta 90 if we still need another tank. Again, would need help with gear.

My computer never used to lag, but the past week it has been lagging very badly in TI. Let me know ingame on Hunterawen or via here. Thanks!

Re: (US/H/Madoran)UPDATE-LF OT for raid team, and b/u healer

Posted: March 20th, 2014, 5:00 am
by Pinyin
I haven't been on much the last two weeks or so. That said, if you see me on and need a healer just whisper. As long as I am not in a guild run on Kargath I can help with panda heals :)