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[US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 12:07 pm
by Dezdemona
One night a week (time permitting – I have kids in school). I will be leading a band of merry adventurers into the depths of Azeroth’s past raid encounters.

We will start with Naxx and work our way through the WotLK then the Cataclysm raids. If there is enough interest I will toss in Black Temple, and the Caverns of Time just for fun and those that have never seen them.

This will eventually evolve into a regular mount and transmog event.

  • Friday, February 21 @ 7pm - Naxx and Onyxia
  • Friday, February 28 @ 7pm - Ulduar
  • Friday, March 7 @ 7pm - Icecrown Citadel
(these will be on the calendars of WCP and MM soon, I am not leaving out BotT, I just don't have anyone over there yet)

Vent is not required, but we would prefer that you use it. Standard rules apply to loot. Need for transmog and mounts. Greed on anything else.

Absolutely no fussing, fighting, whining or raging is allowed.

Please feel free to comment with suggestions or requests.


Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 3:52 pm
by Dezdemona
Yes, we will be moving through the Cata raids. I just could only plan 3 weeks in advance.

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 17th, 2014, 6:27 pm
by Dezdemona
Brandmooin wrote:
"Absolutely no fussing, fighting, whining or raging is allowed." LOVE IT!
I have been in way too many LFRs and Open Raids where this behavior has been an issue.

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 18th, 2014, 3:48 pm
by Telsek
I appreciate this very much, too. So often I log in and there's something spontaneous going on that I've just missed or can't join in for some reason or another. Scheduling things is hugely helpful.

Gherkyn (in MM)

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 9:09 am
by Dezdemona
Telsek wrote:I appreciate this very much, too. So often I log in and there's something spontaneous going on that I've just missed or can't join in for some reason or another. Scheduling things is hugely helpful.

Gherkyn (in MM)

I will try to keep up with keeping things scheduled approximately 3 weeks in advance. I have my kids' schedules and I can usually reliably plan around them, but life with a kids is always throwing up something to change plans.

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 2:30 pm
by Waveryn
If I am on and remember I will help, been doing some of them solo trying for achievements I never did, some things are still very hard to impossible solo.

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 10:22 pm
by Dezdemona
Tonight's run was a blast. Thanks to all those who came!

I am sorry that my events were not showing on the guild calendars. Lets just say I am boneheaded and we'll move on.

The raids for the next 2 weeks have been corrected and are showing correctly. Next week is Ulduar. Lots and lots of achievements to get.

Hope to see you all there. Maybe next time I will remember to take some screenshots.

Re: [US-H Madoran]Let's fill in those raid completions!

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 2:29 pm
by Tizril
Oh shoot, I totally forgot about this! I'll try to come next week :)