*Completed* WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

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*Completed* WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Jemmariz » January 10th, 2015, 10:17 pm

Hello Everyone,
I am in interested in trading or purchasing a tiny red carp. I have an extra Blackfuse bombling (I don't know breed.) and a Nightsaber Cub (TCG). I am revered with the Arakkoa Outcasts and Frostwolf orcs, so I have access to those pets. I also am able to make all three WoD engineering pets. I can potentially farm other pets if you are interested. Please let me know!

Jemmariz-Runetotem (US)

PS. Thank you to all the moderators and individuals who help monitor this site. Y'all rock! :D
Last edited by Jemmariz on January 11th, 2015, 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Raptor29 » January 10th, 2015, 10:53 pm

hello, i have a tiny red carp, my battletag is Onii#1899

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Saviya » January 10th, 2015, 11:50 pm

just so's you know, the nightsaber cub is worth quite a bit more than the carp. best of luck! :D

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Mushalor » January 11th, 2015, 3:21 am

I'd be happy to trade if you're still looking for a carp and offering a cub. I can offer the carp plus one of the following (based off your profile wanted list) to try and even out differences in prices a bit:

draenei micro defender
albino river calf
forest sproutling
nightshade sproutling

Alternatively I can trade a servant of demidos instead of a carp + one of the above.

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Jemmariz » January 11th, 2015, 10:25 am

Thank you for the quick responses!

Raptor29~Thank you for the offer. Were you wanting to trade for the tiny red carp? I was confused by your post.

Saviya~Thanks for the information! I was able to exchange 2 of the tiny carps for the Nightsaber Cub on my server, but accidentally got rid of the red one thinking I had two. *fail* To make matters worse, then I realized I already had a Nightsaber Cub.I had gotten to excited to see the words TCG and cub. Needless to say, I was devastated and frustrated at myself after the trade. :)

Mushalor~I am exceptionally interested in a carp + draenei micro defender trade. Whisper me in game at Jemmariz-Runetotem.

Thank you!
Last edited by Jemmariz on January 11th, 2015, 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Mushalor » January 11th, 2015, 7:29 pm

Hey! Glad to hear you're interested, and I really hate those sorts of circumstances. I've done that myself a few times.

Posting to let you know I'm definitely still interested in working this trade with you! However, the person I get my carp from had an emergency (nothing serious, just that they can't currently log in), which means I'm stuck in limbo til then. (I'd just buy one outright like I usually do in the occasion this sort of thing happens, but on all four servers I frequent, they suddenly up and vanished, or are being sold at ridiculously higher prices than they're worth, lol. IT FIGURES.)

I completely understand if you pass me up to trade with someone else, but in the meantime, I'll hold on to the draenei micro defender I've got on hand, and get back to you asap when I can get the carp. Thanks so much, and sorry about this snafu!

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Re: WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Jemmariz » January 11th, 2015, 8:57 pm

Hi Mushalor,

I am sorry, but I traded with someone else tonight. Don't worry about the snafu they happen all the time something called life. I will keep an eye out on my server. If I find another one at a reasonable price, I will let you know and maybe we can make another trade. :)

Thank you so much!

For those just reading this post, I have successfully completed the trade. Good luck with your pet hunts!

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Re: *Completed* WTT or WTB tiny red carp :)

Post by Mushalor » January 11th, 2015, 9:04 pm

Hey excellent, glad you were able to find someone!

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