WTT for Sky Fry

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WTT for Sky Fry

Post by Taleranor » January 19th, 2015, 6:54 pm

Hey all. I'm looking to acquire a Sky Fry and since I just can't find them on the AH on Kirin Tor or on the AH for a reasonable price anywhere where I have less wealthy toons, I thought I'd come here. (I know I could just grind the rep for it myself, but I'd rather save the faction grinding for when I'm -really- bored...)

What I can offer:
Darkmoon Eye
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Gu'chi Swarmling
Mountain Panda
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Earth Spirit
Pandaren Fire Spirit
Pandaren Water Spirit
Proto-Drake Whelp
Ruby Droplet
Skunky Alemental
Sunfur Panda

I'm also happy to level any of these to 25 and stone them if needed, if that'll sweeten the pot. It'll just take me a day or so. :)

My BTag is Everbard#1439.

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Re: WTT for Sky Fry

Post by Tekulve2012 » January 19th, 2015, 7:39 pm

Tekulve here

I have a sky fry to trade...its uncommon but I likely have an upgrade stone tucked away.
We can chat out a deal if you like


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Re: WTT for Sky Fry

Post by Mushalor » January 19th, 2015, 9:24 pm

Hey if you don't end up working out a deal with Tekulve, I'd be happy to do this trade; I'm interested in your ruby droplet.

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Joined:October 16th, 2008
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Re: WTT for Sky Fry

Post by Taleranor » January 20th, 2015, 5:05 am

Thanks for the replies. I was able to find a Sky Fry in exchange for the Ruby Droplet. And the Eye actually sold in the AH when I wasn't looking. But if anyone needs what's left on the list, I'm happy to trade for the sake of helping my fellow collectors. :)

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