(US) LF CE pets Bnet cards etc #2 oops

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(US) LF CE pets Bnet cards etc #2 oops

Post by Belyea » September 1st, 2015, 1:04 pm

First of all, apparently when you change your user name (to my main's name to make things easy, lol) your posts get deleted. Oh well :(

Hi All Pet lovers!

I'm looking for CE pets from BC, WOTLK, Cata, Pandaria and WoD. So, all of them :) I'm also looking for Bnet cards and/or blizzcon virtual tickets.

What I Have
I have 300k on Horde Illidan

Some of the pets I have, I have access to most tradable pets
Gregarious Grell lvl 1
Nightsaber Cub lvl 25
Spectral Tiger Cub lvl 25
Gilnean Raven S/S lvl 25
Hatespark lvl 25
Blackfuse Bombling P/P lvl 25
Disgusting Oozeling lvl 25
Frostwolf Pup lvl 1
Gooey Sha-ling S/S lvl 25
Sprite Darter Hatchling lvl 25
Ruby Droplet lvl 25
Black Tabby Cat lvl 1
Etc, Etc...

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