Darkmoon Rabbit for Mystic Runesaber?

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Darkmoon Rabbit for Mystic Runesaber?

Post by Asphydel » September 12th, 2015, 8:11 am

To my surprise, I found myself looting a DM bunny last night. As I already have one, I was hoping I might find a swap for the Mystic Runesaber mount from the store. I'd be happy to add an extra pet or two and have quite a few other duplicates.

Lil' Leftovers
Voodoo Figurine (Level 25)
Bone Serpent
Young Talbuk
Stout Alemental

I'm sure there are more, so if there's something specific you're looking for, let me know! Asphydel#1122

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Re: Darkmoon Rabbit for Mystic Runesaber?

Post by Asphydel » September 25th, 2015, 11:47 am

Adding an extra Stout Alemental. :) Happy to trade them all for the mount, or let me know if there's anything else you'd want!

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