Looking for Everliving Spore (CLOSED)

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Looking for Everliving Spore (CLOSED)

Post by Voskres » April 3rd, 2021, 3:00 pm

Hi everyone, I pretty much missed a couple xpacs worth of pets and I am just now trying to find older pets. You can look back at my (ancient) timeline, I was a very active trader and leveler back in the day, very well recommended. This is my first trade post in years so if I am being stupid about something, please let me know.

So just now getting back into the pet dungeons and I know I don't have an Everliving Spore. I have not made a comprehensive list of stuff I have but if you have one you are willing to part with I am starting to make a list of extra pets and charms and whatnot. Please let me know if you have one and I'll start to see what all I have that might intrigue you.

Thank you!
Last edited by Voskres on June 26th, 2021, 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking for Everliving Spore

Post by Voskres » May 22nd, 2021, 1:23 pm

Is this extremely hard to get or is there not as much trading done as back in old days?

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Re: Looking for Everliving Spore

Post by Talalara » May 23rd, 2021, 7:05 am

For all the servers I am currently stalking the cheapest I have seen "Everliving Spore" for has been no less than 300k gold & higher. Yes this motivates me to do the "Wailing Caverns" run every week happily. If you don't mind shelling out for the "wow token" offering then patience is the new order of the day. Good luck.

And if you need any help in possibly shoring up your collection I have lots of spare battle pets you are welcome to for free.
Provided of course you don't mind slumming with mortals. ;) :lol:

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Re: Looking for Everliving Spore

Post by Voskres » June 7th, 2021, 3:23 pm

You have 102 pets I don't. I missed out on mostly Legion / BFA time period, and I have been almost exclusively Horde. For example, I just this week went and got a few BFA allied-side pets, like Taptaf and Francois. I am working on dailies for the bee right now. I have all possible Hordie reps but I don't have the Ally reps to buy the OoE Falcon or Storm Wake bee. Alchemy/Eng pets from this time period, esp Mechagon. I don't have any Lock or Rogue class pets from Legion.

I can help get any Hordie rep stuff you need, any Revendreth pets, I see you may need a few. I have enough cash to help you get a Francois (I haven't tried but I hear you can get more than one of diff toons). I also have DK, Monk and Druid rep for Legion for the Whelplings, cub and Broot, if those are tradable. I also have teams loaded to beat all dungeons including Celestial Tourney which I have like 5 or 6 unused tokens to buy pets. I have a ton of various blue battle stones to use on pets.

Would very much like to work some swaps with you, if you are interested.

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Re: Looking for Everliving Spore (CLOSED)

Post by Voskres » July 4th, 2021, 11:15 pm

Talalara was a huge sweetheart and helped me out a ton. I would recommend her with trust for any trade.

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Re: Looking for Everliving Spore (CLOSED)

Post by Guccia » July 10th, 2021, 11:02 am

i have a spore to trade if anyone else needs

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