Sumprush rodent

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Joined:December 28th, 2023
Pet Score:9252
Sumprush rodent

Post by Alexas » February 24th, 2024, 4:02 am

Is anyone still doing the event for sumprush rodent?
Would like to have an invite for the event

Joined:January 14th, 2024
Pet Score:14648

Re: Sumprush rodent

Post by Yisselda » February 24th, 2024, 10:08 pm

This is for the Alliance side not sure how to make this work on the Horde side.

The Sumprush Rodent is an animal where patience is needed to obtain it.
You have to "mine" a special currency & then you have a small window of time to actually catch the rodents.

FYI - there may be a special questline to open the area up where the commissions drop but not sure where the quest starts.

Where to start farming...
Krasarang Wilds - Ruins of Ogudei cave entrance at 80.3 17.4
There is the mine just below (south-east) Zhu's Watch flight path.

Once inside follow the mine cart tracks to the end.
On the left you will see a set of wooden stairs.
At the bottom you will do an about face & you will see a cave entrance. It will have a several hanging vines right in front.

As you go down the path you will see level 35 "Reliquary" are with (horde) scouts, guards & blood knights etc. They will drop 1-2 "Domination Point Commissions" per kill. Be prepared, it is a slow repop/respawn rate but they are steady.

2000 DPCs are needed to buy the Box of Rodents sold by
Proveditor Grantley - Collector of Commissions at Lion's Landing.
Once purchased you "set" the box on the ground & Sumprush rodents will come out for about 15 mins.

Before posting I have started mining for said commissions.
As soon as I collect 2000 of these I will post when I will have the "unboxing" so as many as possible can get a chance at getting this pet.
*fingers crossed*

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Joined:December 30th, 2018
Pet Score:14402
Realm:Alterac Mountains-us

Re: Sumprush rodent

Post by Justgiz » February 25th, 2024, 2:56 pm

I farmed it not to long ago. It took me about 2 hours to farm the currency for it. I main a engineer hunter. So barrage, and loot-a-rang were both really helpful.

Joined:December 28th, 2023
Pet Score:9252

Re: Sumprush rodent

Post by Alexas » February 29th, 2024, 6:06 am

Elder yessida,
We tried yesterday when you laid down the crate on ally side but since I boosted the toon to level 70 and zone is not unlocked plus this is horde side so to complicate things further we tested the theory and laid down the crate and I could not see any sumprush rodent and even I am standing on top of you the whole thing is phased and I could only see ocean below. Thanks for testing the hard earned crates and just to see if I could capture the sumprush rodent

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