WTT/WTS my extras!

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WTT/WTS my extras!

Post by Kotor43 » March 15th, 2013, 7:44 pm

Just trying to finish my collection mainly but gold is always welcome ;D

Ashstone core x 3
clockwork rocket robot x 1
Cobra Hatchling x 1
Death Talon Whelpguard x 1
Fossilized Hatchling x 3
Harbinger of Flame x 1
Mini Mindslayer x 1
Mr. Grubbs x 1
Mr. Wiggles x 1
Nether Ray Fry x 1
Peddlefeet x 2
Pengu x 1
Pint Sized Pink Pacaderm x 2
Strand Crawler x 1
Terrible Turnip x 1
Toxic Wasteling x 3
Winters Little Helper x 2

LF- Searing scorchling, Whiskers the Rat, Mech. Pandaren Dragonling, Lumpy, Mojo or any of the newer pets! just check out my wanted!

Thanks an Happy Hunting!! :D
Last edited by Kotor43 on March 15th, 2013, 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WTT/WTS my extras!

Post by Tahsfenz » March 15th, 2013, 8:46 pm

Lashtail is a quest reward. Also,ci have a whiskers kicking around somewhere. We can try to work something out. Tahsfenz#1414 is my BT

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