WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pets

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Clatong » May 20th, 2013, 3:06 pm

Rather than making guesses and assumptions on both sides, maybe you could post in detail how this trade would work here?

If there is nothing shady going on, posting the details shouldn't hurt your trade in any way that I can think of.

If there is something shady going on, maybe you, and others, are not aware that it's shady.

In any case, I think many people here might be curious, and people should have a solid understanding of what is and isn't allowed so that no one unknowingly violates a policy.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Faelar » May 20th, 2013, 3:32 pm

Tmptfate wrote:Title is pretty straight forward. I have a Mini Tyrael (WWI 2008), Netherwhelp (BC CE), and Baneling (SC2:Swarm Expac) for trade to someone who has a WoW Classic CE pets available.

NOTE: There is an alternate way of doing this if someone has those pets in item format still but I wont lie, it involves having second accounts. Then me creating a second account also and then trading those second accounts for us to each do a B-net account merge with those swapped. Its complicated I know, but works. I traded for a Frosty using this method. But I completely understand any raised eyebrows regarding this method.

I am quoting the original post here. He flat out says "and then trading those second accounts for us to each do it." So how is this NOT account sharing/trading? I am sorry. This is 100% against the ToS and I would advise anyone to not touch this with a 10 foot pole.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by AtomicFoxx » May 20th, 2013, 3:40 pm

I am assuming that this is what he is suggesting:

1. Both players make secondary accounts in their own names.
2. Both players transfer a toon from their main account to the newly created account. This is possible because the main and secondary accounts share the same surname.
3. The account information is then traded so that each person has the secondary account name/password of the other.
4. The newly traded accounts are then combined with the battle.net accounts of the mains.

Is this against TOS? Absolutely. Is Blizzard going to care? I'm not sure. Only time will tell.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Faelar » May 20th, 2013, 4:01 pm

Yeah I'd not be surprised at some point blizzard does a sweep and removes pets from people that do stuff like this. Wouldn't be the first time people lose things by doing shady methods to gain them.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Tahsfenz » May 20th, 2013, 4:36 pm

The only "legit" way I can see doing this would be gifting the codes in some way. A thread promoting account trading (word it how you want, that's what it is) should be removed and that account banned from these forums.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Faelar » May 20th, 2013, 4:48 pm

Yeah it was already stupid fishy when a new poster created this thread, even worse that people jumped on this to try and make these trades. I'd not touch a trade like this in any way. I don't risk my account getting banned for something as stupid as that. But I do agree this thread needs removed and that poster banned.

Edit: I'm also going to open an in game ticket and report the player. He is trying to break rules and risk people getting account bans. I'm not cool with that.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Tahsfenz » May 20th, 2013, 5:36 pm

From my understanding of what's going on, the OP redeemed a Tyrael and as most items from 7 years ago, it was sent to each character & when used, many times was not consumed. Mr. Chilly comes to mind. I have one in my bank and probably others as well. Doing this transfer would cause the item to now be available on both accounts I would assume. Now your trading an account to someone else, which will duplicate the item to the new account. Each item is meant for 1 account. So unless I am understanding this wrong there would be account trading and item duplicating. Am I missing something here? I mean, if someone can show me how this method isn't against ToS, then I'd love to hear it, but that's what I see.
Last edited by Tahsfenz on May 20th, 2013, 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Orcking » May 20th, 2013, 6:36 pm

I looked up similar ways this was done. People used to sell SOR accounts, sometimes they had CE pets, etc. It seems there were several mass bannings of accounts that did this.

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Re: WTT Mini Tyrael, Netherwhelp, Baneling for Classic CE pe

Post by Breanni » May 21st, 2013, 3:42 pm

I've been in touch with the OP, who has been very cooperative. The process is quite involved and it does involve some questionable activity.

The bottom line is that trading pets in this manner was not intended by Blizzard. So I'm locking the thread according to my best judgment.
