Looking for Blizzard pet store pets and others

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Looking for Blizzard pet store pets and others

Post by Nastard » June 27th, 2013, 5:40 pm

Hello! I lack pretty much all of the Blizzard pet store pets (I have Blossoming Ancient and Guardian Cub) but would love to attain any/all of the others. The individual pets I'd like are:

Cinder Kitten
Soul of the Aspects
Lil' K.T.
Lil' X.T.
Pandaren Monk
Lil' Ragnaros
Cenarion Hatchling

In addition there are a few non-pet store pets I still need:

Ji-Kun Hatchling (I'm offering about 8,000g on Cenarion Circle, Horde side)
Tiny Red Carp (I'm offering 5,000g)
Living Fluid (I'm unsure of its value since I never see it on the AH on my server)
Pygmy Direhorn (same as the Fluid)

I can offer gold for any of the above on horde side Cenarion Circle, or I have the following pets I can trade on any server:

Spectral Porcupette
Landro's Lichling
Landro's Lil' XT
A set of 4 of the Pandaren Spirits (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)
A set of 3 of the Pandas (Sunfur, Snowy, Mountain)
A set of 4 of the Zandalari Raptors
Disgusting Oozeling
Black Tabby Cat
Giant Sewer Rat
Aqua Strider
Tiny Shale Spider
Netherspace Abyssal
Phoenix Hawk Hatchling
Fungal Abomination
Ashstone Core
Giant Bone Spider
Toxic Wasteling
Untamed Hatchling
Spirit of Summer

Stoned Pets:
Winter's Little Helper
Father Winter's Helper
Crimson Lasher

If anyone sees something from the list they'd like and can offer a pet I need, please let me know so we can reach a fair trade :) Thanks!
Last edited by Nastard on June 27th, 2013, 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking for Blizzard pet store pets and others

Post by Tenshiame » June 27th, 2013, 6:00 pm

I'll get you a moonkin hatchling for your porcupette (btag on the side)

Joined:April 5th, 2013
Pet Score:14415
Realm:Cenarion Circle-us

Re: Looking for Blizzard pet store pets and others

Post by Nastard » June 27th, 2013, 7:01 pm

Sounds good :) I've added you and updated the list.

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