LF Viscous Horror

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Joined:September 28th, 2012
Pet Score:9924
LF Viscous Horror

Post by Zanthe » August 30th, 2013, 1:42 pm

I am not really sure what the value would be on one of these, but figured it was worth a try. I have way too many pets to list them all, but I am willing to negotiate with someone for one of these. It is basically the only pet I am missing. You can view my profile here to see what I have for trade and would also be willing to pay gold for it on Muradin. I can also make some different mounts if that is more to your liking. The only things that are off limits are the higher end TCG pets (soul-trader, spectral cub, dragon kite, tuskarr kite, rocket chicken etc) because I cannot afford to purchase those again hehe. Most other pets I have would be open to negotiation. I have all of the other ToT pets, all of the Carps, any Alliance Argent Tournament pets and any of the lower end TCG pets. Add me if you want to discuss a trade: Zanthe#1155


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