<us> Trade list

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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<us> Trade list

Post by Kenywi » October 26th, 2013, 12:05 am

Ok here is what I have to trade

Aqua Strider S/S <u>
Bomby Cat p/s <U>
Cobra Hatchling p/s <u>
Cockatiel s/s <u>
Cornish Rex Ca p/p <u>
Fishy h/b <r>
Ghaz'Rooki p/s X2
Green Wing McCaw s/b <u>
Lesser Void Caller Lvl 4 h/h
Mechanical Pandarian Dragonling s/s <u>
Menagerie Custodian h/h level 6
Mini Mindslayer p/s Level 6
Orange Taby Cat b/b
Pandarian Air Spirit b/b level 4
Pandarian Water spirit Level X2 lvl 1 and 4
Porcupette h/s lvl 3
Silver Tabby <U>
Snowy Panda level 4
Spectral Porcupette level 6
Spirit of Summer <u>
Strand Crawler level 10
Tiny Shale Spider level 8
Worg Pup level 4

Here is what I need

Blackfuse Bombling
Dandelion Frolicker
Death Adder Hatchling
Droplet of Y'Shaar
Gulp Froglett
Jadefire Spirit
Spineclaw Crab
Viscous Horror
Darkmoon Rabbit
Lashtail Hatchling

I have toons on Darrowmere, Proudmoore, Kael'Thas, Uther

my battlenet id is Kenywi#1716

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Joined:February 16th, 2013
Pet Score:9056

Re: <us> Trade list

Post by Xylanna » October 26th, 2013, 10:34 am

lashtail hatchling is a questline in stv u do a quest in rebel camp for to save the prisoners and one other medacine of some sort i believe... u find a cracked egg and the lashtail follows u around......... that is the chain u need

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