Looking to trade TCG mounts or pets for RAF rewards

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Joined:August 9th, 2013
Pet Score:1306
Looking to trade TCG mounts or pets for RAF rewards

Post by Lajos » November 17th, 2013, 2:18 pm

As the subject line says, I need to do Recruit a friend many times but I don't have the cash for it now so I am hoping that someone else is willing to help me out for the right kind of trade in return.

I can offer a trade of a large amount of gold, most TCG pets or mounts, or any other rare drop chance pets that you might want. I am also willing to server transfer to you if necessary.

So just reply to this post, send me a private message on these forums, or add me to Battletag if you are interested and want to make a deal. I am sure that we can work something out.

Battletag ----> Lajos#1444

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