Looking for trades. (US)

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Looking for trades. (US)

Post by Colder » November 19th, 2013, 12:07 am

Anything I have doubles of is fair game. I'm only missing a few of the pets that are tradeable, and I'd really like to get them. I don't raid, and they haven't been appearing on my server's auction house. I have limited funds in-game and even more so outside of it... and its really hard to collect if you can't afford it. I also collect mounts. I really very much want The reigns of the Ghastly Charger... and I've pretty much given up on it. Anyhow, I've made a list of these pets, the ones I've put a star beside are the ones I most want. I've left out a lot of the TCG ones I know I'm not going to get, like the soul trader and the spectral kitten.

Crawling Claw*
Dragon kite*
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Vengeful porcupette*
Viscous Horror
Blackfuse bombling
Darkmoon eye

Here's a list of my doubles.
Ancona chicken, Aqua strider, Ashleaf spriteling, Ashtone core, Azure crane chick, Azure whelpling
Black kingsnake, Black tabby cat, Blue dragonhawk hatchling, Bombay cat, Brown snake
Chrominius, Chuck, Clockwork gnome, Cobra hatchling, Corefire imp, Crimson snake, Crimson whelpling
Dark whelpling, Deathtalon whelpguard
Egbert, Emerald whelpling
Feline familiar, Fossilized hatchling, Fungal abomination
Ghaz'rooki, Giant bone spider, Giant sewer rat, Gundrak hatchling, Gulp froglet
Harbinger of flame, Harmonious porcupette
Imperial silkworm
Macabre marionette, Magical crawdad, Mana wyrmling, Menagerie custodian, mini mindslayer, Mr. Grubbs, Mr. Wiggles
Ominous flame, Orange tabby cat
Peanut, Peddlefeet, Pengu, Phoenix hatchling, Pint sized pink pachyderm
Ravasaur hatchling, Razormaw hatchling, Razzashi hatchling, Red dragonhawk hatchling, Red moth
Shimmering wyrmling, Siamese cat, Silver dragonhawk hatchling, Silver tabby, Sinister squashling, Speedy, Spirit of summer, Stitched pup, Sunreaver micro sentry
Toxic wasteling
Undercity cockroach, Untamed hatchling
Voodoo figurine
White kitten, Winter reindeer, Winter's little helper, Wolpertinger, Worg pup
Zandalari knee biter
Last edited by Colder on November 19th, 2013, 5:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Looking for trades. (US)

Post by Peanutty » November 19th, 2013, 12:49 am

Just a FYI, Stunted Direhorn isn't tradeable.

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Re: Looking for trades. (US)

Post by Techno » November 19th, 2013, 12:51 am

Is there anyway we could know what you have to trade? You don't have your BattleTag or armory link listed so there isn't anything anyone could help you with for the time being lol.

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Joined:July 5th, 2013
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Re: Looking for trades. (US)

Post by Colder » November 19th, 2013, 4:37 pm

Sorry didn't know it wasn't tradeable.

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