Vengeful Porcupette's to Trade

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Joined:June 17th, 2013
Pet Score:4290
Vengeful Porcupette's to Trade

Post by Duski » April 29th, 2014, 10:52 am

I have 20+ Vengeful Porcupette's to trade or sell.

Will take any TCG's 1 to 1 , and can offer multiples or other rare pets for the better ones

Possibly interested in a balance card or 2... need some hearthstone cards :)

I don't mind creating a character on a new realm if you want to buy with gold. It gives me another server to go pet shopping :)

Need: Tuskar Kite, Vis Horror, s/s DM Rabbit (b/b also), CE's,

Store: Blooming... the tree :)

Others I would like: Droplet's, Kovok's, Spineclaw's, non-balance ravens, Anything rare I like to have 3 for my personal collection (and all breeds if applicable)

I'm a pet hoarder and have at least 3 of most trade-able pets, so let me know if you need anything specific.

Duski-Madoran (magical Menagerie) horde
Duski-Stonemaul alliance and horde - Duskii
Darkspear - Alliance

Haven't had much trade experience, but I am an honest gnome and would appreciate any feedback after a deal is complete.
(Seventizz might vouch for me... if he isn't still mad about Bananas, haha!)


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