Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Presto » June 26th, 2014, 9:16 pm

Nobufusa wrote:... go to illidan wait for a perosn with name RGERTERTYERTG ...
Hey! Who's been giving out my secret user name?!!

Well, Korah, at least your post is getting a lot of looks. ;) Here's hoping you get your kite soon.
Presto says, "Let's trade!!" :P (btag: Presto#1944)

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Khorah » June 26th, 2014, 9:30 pm

Thanks Presto.. 8-)
And the main reason I added the line about not being a dupe is because of all the flames I have seen lately when people try to do trades and get accused of using dupes (as seen in this thread..) not to try and inflate the price.. so apparently you cant win lately (which saddens me greatly on this site)..

So, if a mod wants to lock this, please go ahead..

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 9:43 pm

well the real problem Khorah is that is is very difficult to prove it is legit, I mean I wouldn't expect people to believe my level 25 soul-trader I've had for over a year is legit. It is just one of the problems when pet dupers crush the market of 4 pets.

I'm not calling into question if yours or legit, as I've stated before I don't think it matters on this pet anymore because of what happened to it. But there is no reason to give up on your trade because of the discussion (which did get out of hand at parts.)


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 27th, 2014, 2:41 am

I reported it because it cannot be verified not because of the trade itself I could care less what people trade I care more about what people say. Moonie stop being a little barking poodle and learn the point of the post

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Moonie1 » June 27th, 2014, 5:43 pm

Im the little barking poodle? You came here and dumped all over someone elses trade post which is against the rules at the top of the forum. Then you whined about his post and declared him a scammer and said you were reporting him. People told you to stop and quit being a jerk but you refuse to listen. YOU are the one missing the point of the post. The OP was trying to trade something, not turn this into Nobufusa falsely accusing people of scamming.

Since you obviously didnt read the part at the top of the forum that says PLEASE READ, let me quote you the RULES that the site has put forth that you must adhere to:

PLEASE READ: Pet Trading Guidelines by Doobjanka, Dec 7th, 2012.
4.) Remember, different people place a different value on pets. If you see a trade that isn't in your price or trade range, feel free to make a counter-offer, but do not flame the OP or accuse him/her of gouging. If you don't like the terms of the deal, leave peacefully and look for another deal.

Its pretty simple really: Be quiet if you dont like the trade. Then leave. You are breaking rule #4, better report yourself Judge Nobufusa.

And before you start whining about the harsh words in my post, you called me a little barking poodle and I take offense to that (Im a Schnauzer person). You have harassed the OP who didnt even do anything wrong. You are nothing but a negative blight on this forum. You choose to make personal attacks on me and I will only let it go for so long before you get venom spewed back in your face.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 27th, 2014, 6:53 pm

I never said he was a scammer do you not understand English? I said the scam was saying or implying that his was legit when there is no way to do so. I did not say he goes around scamming I do not know enough about him to make that kind of declaration. I also said in subsequent posts I was wrong for discussing values and edited my initial post. However the reason the prices were discussed to further support why someone was trying to over value their "legit" est. also Khorah his initial post was attacking towards new members 1) for trading duped items 2) for spamming. Why are you trying to make an issue out of something that has been resolved by continuing on like a little barking poodle?

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Moonie1 » June 27th, 2014, 8:28 pm

You are the one that made any of this an issue. If you hadnt opened your mouth, if you had followed the rules about ragging on people about their trades, none of this would even be happening. I also notice you are now trying to friend me in game. You are now using these boards to get people's battletags and harass them in game as well. You are a true piece of work.

Its also ironic that I am the little barking poodle when you have posted more in this thread and have argued with more people. But that is human nature, to overlook your own mistakes and point fingers at others, which is exactly why you are continuing your witch hunt after its been pointing out that what you are doing is against the rules the administrators have set forth.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 27th, 2014, 8:41 pm

ok you are god thanks

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Wakamaru » June 27th, 2014, 8:56 pm

I vote ya all can it. If the forum mods want to lock the thread they'll do it. If the forum mods want the OP to change their thread, they'll let them know. Everyone has had MORE than their fair share of input here so if we could kindly butt out of the OPs thread and let them continue searching for a trade that would be fantastic.

Anyone who visits this post with interest to its actual subject will see the input from everyone else now, so I'm sure they'll take all points into consideration if they feel the need to do so before trading.

If you want to continue debating over the subject, I say open a thread specifically for that... otherwise this has continued long past its shelf life and is turning into a rather immature finger pointing match. All points have been made, and then some... move on!

*serious face*

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 27th, 2014, 9:03 pm

*pie in the face to Wakamaru* serious face that

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Wakamaru » June 27th, 2014, 9:07 pm

Don't make me get my whoopin' stick out Faelar!

*equips Big Stick*

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Simmias » June 28th, 2014, 1:19 am

I've seen bigger :P

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Amuneta » June 28th, 2014, 6:20 pm

Alright guys let it go. If you are not making an actual offer on the persons trade or an inquiry about said trade there is no reason to say anything.

As it has been said if you disagree with what the person wishes for their item believing its not a fair trade then by all means make a counter offer, but there is no reason to call someone out.

As to the dupe issue if the person says their item is not a dupe yes there is no way to verify that it isn't a dupe but that also means there is no way you personally can prove that it is. So there is no reason to call them out on it. You may personally feel its misleading, but in the end it is between the parties involved in the trade if you aren't one of them there is no reason to bash or harass others on the forums or in game.

Per Khorah's request since they made this trade thread I am locking this.

Rawr... that is all.
