WTB Spectral Tiger Mounts, WTT high-pop gold for bnet cards

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WTB Spectral Tiger Mounts, WTT high-pop gold for bnet cards

Post by Navi » August 2nd, 2014, 5:47 pm

I've been toying with the idea of moving a capped guild bank to a high pop realm (Illidan-H, Stormrage-A, etc) to purchase one or both spectral tiger mounts, and trade the rest away for bnet cards.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and get a toon ready to move just in case, but I'm wondering what realm to move to, and what kind of deal I could get on the mounts? Anyone ever see them at a 1K to $1 value as compared to buying the card on eBay/wowtcgloot? Looks like a combined ~570K if I'm going by the current buy-it-now prices I see on eBay, but it's not a market I dabble in so idk if that's on the high or low end.

Anyway, please weigh in if you want to pre-arrange a trade or even just throw me some advice.


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