Mount/Pets for Trade
Re: GrellPufferScarab,SSRaven/LF BnetBalanceWOD,VirtualTick,
Thanks for letting me know and for trying to organize the run in the first place. I appreciate it!Sibi wrote:My tank got smacked with face Monday with a ton of exams stretching from now til mid next month and had to cancel on me. As a result I had to cancel my CM plans.
- Sibi
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Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
I would've mailed you but you have it turned off.
I think inadvertently deleted your hubby (and a few other people) while trying to purge my list after making/joining a few too many OQ groups. Or I would've told him myself. Pretty bummed I won't be getting this off the ground. 'Tis what I get for procrastinating.
I think inadvertently deleted your hubby (and a few other people) while trying to purge my list after making/joining a few too many OQ groups. Or I would've told him myself. Pretty bummed I won't be getting this off the ground. 'Tis what I get for procrastinating.
Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
Yeah he only told me this evening that he didn't see you on his friend list so I figured I'd check your thread. All good though... he knew from the start it wasn't a sure thing and says thanks anyhow for trying to make a go of it. 

Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
Can you buy blizzcon virtual ticket with Bnet balance?
- Dasaq
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Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
I was able to purchase mine with my Bnet Balance. It gives you the option at the payment windowRhondine wrote:Can you buy blizzcon virtual ticket with Bnet balance?
Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
$39.9 or with additional tax 'nd stuff? Thx 4 info!Dasaq wrote:I was able to purchase mine with my Bnet Balance. It gives you the option at the payment window
- Dasaq
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Re: 4tradeSSravenTCGPPSpineclaw/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
I believe that depends on the State in which you live in. you can visit the following article to see which states do collect tax: ... nformation ... nformation
- Sibi
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Re: TradingPets,Stones,IllyHgold/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
Updated stone totals and gold available on Illidan Horde
- Sibi
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Re: TradingPets,Stones,IllyHgold/LF WOD Virtual Ticket SC
Updated list.
thanks for the quick n easy trade Yellek.
thanks for the quick n easy trade Yellek.
- Sibi
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Re: Trading:Pets,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Up to date.
Would like to get my paws on some Bnet Balance Codes to pass off to a returning friend
Would like to get my paws on some Bnet Balance Codes to pass off to a returning friend
- Sibi
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Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Updated wants/haves.
Still looking for 3 bnet codes to entice a friend in to resubbing for WoD
Still looking for 3 bnet codes to entice a friend in to resubbing for WoD

- Icymaiden
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Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Please add me. wanted to talk to you about the starcraft your needing.
- Sibi
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Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Request sent, my requests however have the tendency to get lost somewhere in the Twisting Nether. Feel free to btag if you don't have one when you log in.
Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Hi. what breed's are the Sky-bo's, and what would you consider an equivalent trade?
- Sibi
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Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
p/p (I honestly haven't seen one in a different breed despite hearing that there is an s/s)
I'd be happy to entertain any trade offers for things I don't have or items that I can use to trade later.
I'd be happy to entertain any trade offers for things I don't have or items that I can use to trade later.
Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Battletag friend me, youbetiam#1712. I'll log onto my spare pet person and see if we can make a deal.
Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
I went down and just wrote down what I had to trade. I'd be willing to talk about trading anything but the Guardian Cub and the Darkmoon Rabbit for the P/P Sky-bo.
Ashstone Core X2
Clockwork Rocketbot
Corefire Imp
Cobra Hatchling X2
Dandelion Frolicker P/S
Darkmoon Cub
Darkmoon Eye
Darkmoon Hatchling
Darkmoon Monkey
Darkmoon Rabbit B/B
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Turtle
Darkmoon Zepplin
Darkmoon Zepplin
Death Adder Hatchling S/S
Death Talon Whelpguard X4
Direhorn Runt H/H
Dun Morough Cub
Father Winter's Helper X3
Fiendish imp P/B
Filthling B/B
Fossilized Hatchling X2
Frigid Frostling
Gahz'rooki X2
Gilnean Raven P/B
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling B/B
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling S/S
Guchi Swarmling H/H
Guardian Cub
Harbinger of Flame X2
Imperial Moth X2
Imperial Silkworm X2
Iron Starling X5 P/P, P/S, H/P X2, P/B
Jade Crane Chick B/B
Jadefire Spirit X2
Jademist Dancer X3 S/S, P/SX2
Lil' Bling
Living Fluid
Lumpy X3
Macabre Marionette
Magical Crawdad
Mechanical Squirrel
Menagerie Custodian H/H
Mini Mindslayer
Moon Moon X2 P/P, P/S
Mountain Panda X5
Ominous Flame
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Earth Spirit X3 (1 Level 6)
Pandaren Fire Spirit X3
Pandaren Water Spirit X1
Phoenix Hatchling X2
Phoenix Hawk Hatchling S/B
Pint-sized Pink Pachyderm
Porcupette X2
Pterrodax Hatchling
Razzashi Hatchling
Rustberg Gull P/B
Shore Crawler B/B
Skunky Alemental H/S
Snowy Panda X8 (1 Level 19)
Spirit of Summer X2
Spring Rabbit
Sunfur Panda X6
Sunreaver Microsentry
Terrible Turnip (Level 19)
Tickbird Hatchling
Tiny Blue Carp
Tiny Green Carp
Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Snowman X4
Tree Frog
Untamed Hatchling
Voodoo Figurine
Whiskers the Rat X2
Winter Reindeer X3
Winter's Little Helper
Wolpertinger X4
Wood Frog
Zandarlari Footslasher X2 S/S, P/S
Battle Stones
13 Aquatic
2 Beast
14 Critter
10 Dragonkin
5 Elemental
2 Flying
19 Humanoid
11 Magic
10 Mechanical
5 Undead
Ashstone Core X2
Clockwork Rocketbot
Corefire Imp
Cobra Hatchling X2
Dandelion Frolicker P/S
Darkmoon Cub
Darkmoon Eye
Darkmoon Hatchling
Darkmoon Monkey
Darkmoon Rabbit B/B
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Turtle
Darkmoon Zepplin
Darkmoon Zepplin
Death Adder Hatchling S/S
Death Talon Whelpguard X4
Direhorn Runt H/H
Dun Morough Cub
Father Winter's Helper X3
Fiendish imp P/B
Filthling B/B
Fossilized Hatchling X2
Frigid Frostling
Gahz'rooki X2
Gilnean Raven P/B
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling B/B
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling S/S
Guchi Swarmling H/H
Guardian Cub
Harbinger of Flame X2
Imperial Moth X2
Imperial Silkworm X2
Iron Starling X5 P/P, P/S, H/P X2, P/B
Jade Crane Chick B/B
Jadefire Spirit X2
Jademist Dancer X3 S/S, P/SX2
Lil' Bling
Living Fluid
Lumpy X3
Macabre Marionette
Magical Crawdad
Mechanical Squirrel
Menagerie Custodian H/H
Mini Mindslayer
Moon Moon X2 P/P, P/S
Mountain Panda X5
Ominous Flame
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Earth Spirit X3 (1 Level 6)
Pandaren Fire Spirit X3
Pandaren Water Spirit X1
Phoenix Hatchling X2
Phoenix Hawk Hatchling S/B
Pint-sized Pink Pachyderm
Porcupette X2
Pterrodax Hatchling
Razzashi Hatchling
Rustberg Gull P/B
Shore Crawler B/B
Skunky Alemental H/S
Snowy Panda X8 (1 Level 19)
Spirit of Summer X2
Spring Rabbit
Sunfur Panda X6
Sunreaver Microsentry
Terrible Turnip (Level 19)
Tickbird Hatchling
Tiny Blue Carp
Tiny Green Carp
Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Snowman X4
Tree Frog
Untamed Hatchling
Voodoo Figurine
Whiskers the Rat X2
Winter Reindeer X3
Winter's Little Helper
Wolpertinger X4
Wood Frog
Zandarlari Footslasher X2 S/S, P/S
Battle Stones
13 Aquatic
2 Beast
14 Critter
10 Dragonkin
5 Elemental
2 Flying
19 Humanoid
11 Magic
10 Mechanical
5 Undead
- Sibi
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Re: Trading:Sky-Bo,Stones,IllyHgold,TCGs,DepletedKypRocket
Sorry! Got super distracted with collecting the stupid candy, and so bored I've been falling asleep rather early!
I'll PM you about a trade to see if youstill need the pet.
~Looking for bnet balance codes to give to a friend for WOD, game time, Starcraft n Starcraft HoS DDE.
I'll PM you about a trade to see if youstill need the pet.
~Looking for bnet balance codes to give to a friend for WOD, game time, Starcraft n Starcraft HoS DDE.