I'm looking to trade rare pets / mounts / items / achievements for some of the pets and toys I am missing from my collection. Please add my Btag or reply here if you would like anything that I have.
1.Recruit a friend addition
[pet]Sea Calf[/pet]
[pet]Sky Fry[/pet]
[pet]Draenei Micro Defender[/pet]
[pet]Albino River Calf[/pet]
[pet]Forest Sproutling[/pet]
[pet]Bone Wasp[/pet]
[pet]Ore Eater[/pet]
[pet]Nightshade Sproutling[/pet]
[pet]Son of Sethe[/pet]
3. CE Pets:
[pet]Dread Hatchling[/pet]
[pet]Treasure Goblin[/pet]
[pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet]
[pet]Mini Thor[/pet]
[pet]Lucky Quilian Cub[/pet]
[pet]Fetish Shaman[/pet]
Most wanted: Foam Sword Rack
Ethereal Portal
Anything else from the TCG
Worn Troll Dice
Loaded Gnomish Dice
Decahedral Dwarven Dice
For Trade: I can get almost anything, send me your special requests
[pet]Syd the Squid[/pet] Lvl 25 (or level 1)
[pet]Spectral Tiger Cub [/pet]
[pet]Dragon Kite [/pet]
[pet]Tuskaar Kite [/pet]
[pet]Ethereal Soul Trader [/pet]
[pet]Magical Crawdad [/pet]
[pet]Dragonwrath Whelpling[/pet]
[pet]Dark Pheonix Hatchling[/pet]
any darkmoon pets (except the rabbit)
any Crafted pets (soul of the forge, Stuffed Elekk)
[url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/collection/Mayor_Nancy/]many others (see my profile)[/url]
Geosynchronous World Spinner
Depleted Kryptarium Rocket
Mechano Hog
Sky Golem
Darkmoon Dancing Bear
Swift Forest Strider
Vial of the sands
Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger
Jeweled Onyx Panther (Or Jade / Ruby / Sapphire / Sunstone)
Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent
Reins of the Dark Phoenix
*My guild is willing to get you any of the "Glory of the X" achievements quickly*
Reins of Galkaras
Reins of the Twilight Harbinger
Bloodbathed / Icebound Frostbrood vanquisher
Corrupted Egg of Millagazor
Drake of the east wind
Reins of the volcanic stone drake
Ironbound / Rusted Proto Drake
Red Proto Drake
(Heavenly) Crimson Cloud Serpent
Armored Skyscreamer
Shado-pan Geyser Gun
Haunting momento
Crashin Thrashin Robot
Darkmoon Whistle
Snowmaster 9000
World Enlarger
Gnomish X-ray specs
My guild will carry you to get heroic Garrosh BOA's on all your horde characters no matter the server or gear level.
Heirlooms from DMF
Last Deck of Nemelex Xobeh
Nobleman's / Noblewoman's set
Leeroy Jenkins
Any other follower you need help finding or questing to
Available on Silvermoon-US (Horde or Alliance)
Thanks for reading