(US) ★ 175k gold (WW-H) for Murkablo! WTS CMs. WTT Pets ★

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Re: (US) WTT Gold, TCG pets for Blizzcon & CEs. (Whisperwind

Post by Opteron » August 5th, 2014, 10:34 pm

Just finished a CM Gold 9/9 carry with Aveia and her guild mates.
If you are looking for a pro team to get your mount and transmog set, just talk to her.
I did a dozen of trades with Aveia and I can really say that she is one of the finest members in this community.
Thanks again Charlotte, I really appreciated those runs with you and your team!

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Re: (US) ★ WTT Gold (ww-h), CMs for Blizzcon & CEs ★

Post by Peanutty » August 8th, 2014, 2:36 pm

Hey, I'll send you a friend invite to discuss a possible CM carry.

EDIT: Agreed to a carry on Sunday Aug 24th around 4 pm! Will be trading a combo of Illidan gold/Bnet cards.


Re: (US) ★ WTT Gold (ww-h), CMs for Blizzcon & CEs ★

Post by Guest » August 9th, 2014, 1:41 pm

And your trade was quick, easy and awesome :) I appreciate you!

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Re: (US) ★ WTT Gold (ww-h), CMs for Blizzcon & CEs ★

Post by Pinyin » August 10th, 2014, 10:35 pm

Thank you Aveia. you and your guildees made the 9/9 challenge run fun, fast, and painless.

If you are thinking about arranging this with her, don't hesitate-she is super!

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Re: (US) ★ 175k gold (WW-H) for Murkablo! WTS CMs. WTT Pets

Post by Charlott » August 13th, 2014, 7:56 pm

Edit: Above you will find my "rep" :D
All of the trades with those above went very well, very smooth, nice folks. I'd trade with any of them again!! Will add details to the end of my new main thread (what the trade was for, etc), but ++ rep to all of them ^^

LMAO wow I messed up. I thought... wouldn't it be nice if I could change my username to be the same as my real id and my WoD main. (Aveia will likely become an alt). And GG now all of "Aveia's" posts are gone! /sigh. I'm going to restart my trading thread I guess. doh!

edit: lock this thread plz. that way no one bumps it back to the top. I'd rather not have it deleted though since all those nice ppl posted for me above ^^.

edit2: Ok if it doesn't get locked, just please no one bump this one.
[url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=11013]Here is my new thread[/url] :D http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=11013

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