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WTB/WTT Droplet of Y'Shaarj & Viscous Horror

Posted: June 4th, 2014, 8:35 am
by Atroposz
I'm looking for a P/P breed Droplet, and have a ton of pets available for trade, as well as a stack of battle stones for each family (and 5 tradable ones, if you happen to be on Baelgun). I'll also consider paying game time/balance cards/store pets depending on price. Or in game gold, if you play on Baelgun/Moon Guard alliance.

My list of available pets is giant, but includes the usual suspects: Vengful Porc, Blackfuse Bomb (p/p), Living Fluid, Living Sand, Gooey Sha-ling, Sand Scarab, all the Pandaren Spirits and pandas, DAHs, Kovok (have all breeds), all the Tiny Carps, any Darkmoon pet, any breed Zlandi dino... there's more, but I cant think of them right now. Check my collection, I've got pretty much everything, and play on a high pop server so can get most pets if I dont happen to already have them.
Essentially anything I have duplicates of is available, and I'll consider trading things I only have one of depending on request. Anything you want that's not 25 can be leveled in about a day, and I can level anything of yours you wanted leveled in about a day. I'll also consider anything on my "wanted" list, but dont really expect them cuz it's mostly CE stuff, and I'm not going to pay hundreds of dollars for pixels ;)

My btag is Vonja#1992, feel free to msg me there or here. Thanks!

Re: WTB/WTT Droplet of Y'Shaarj & Viscous Horror

Posted: June 4th, 2014, 9:24 am
by Promage
sent btag request Prozuljin#1849