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Presto's List: LF CE/BCon pets. WTT Pets, Toys, TCG, Gold

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 4:04 pm
by Presto
Greetings, my fellow collectors! Let's trade!!

Most coveted pets I have to offer atm (IMO) : I am currently most interested in:

Collector's or Digital Deluxe Edition companions Happy Trades! $$ GOLD $$ I have to offer atm:
(Desired exchange rate: 20k = 1 Balance Card)
(Willing to discuss moving gold to opposite faction)
  • 100 200K - Elune / Gilneas
    50 100K - Arathor / Drenden
    20 120K - Draenor / Echo Isles
    50 120K - Garrosh
    50 80K - Lothar / Grizzly Hills
    60 80K - Ravencrest / Uldaman
    20K - Stormrage
  • 200K - Elune / Gilneas
    20K - Area 52
    20K - Illidan
** = Less than 20K
I am also looking for:
Blizzcon Loot Cards
  • [pet]Grunty[/pet] - '09, [pet]Deathy[/pet] - '10, [pet]Murkablo[/pet] - '11, [pet]Murkalot[/pet] - '13
Game Time ~ * ~ Balance Cards

*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.

6.0.2 The Iron Tide RETIRED by Blizzard: TCG Mists Raid Drops Timeless Isle
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.
  • Drop: [pet]Ashleaf Spriteling[/pet], [pet]Azure Crane Chick[/pet], [pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet], [pet]Death Adder Hatchling[/pet] (S/S), [pet]Gu'chi Swarmling[/pet], [pet]Gulp Froglet[/pet], [pet]Jadefire Spirit[/pet], [pet]Jademist Dancer[/pet], [pet]Ominous Flame[/pet], [pet]Ruby Droplet[/pet], [pet]Skunky Alemental[/pet], Spineclaw Crab (H/H) (P/P), Vendor: Vengeful Porcupette.
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.
  • [pet]Fishy[/pet], [pet]Mountain Panda[/pet], [pet]Snowy Panda[/pet], [pet]Sunfur Panda[/pet], [pet]Pandaren Air Spirit[/pet], [pet]Pandaren Earth Spirit[/pet], [pet]Pandaren Fire Spirit[/pet], [pet]Pandaren Water Spirit[/pet], Rotten Little Helper, [pet]Spectral Porcupette[/pet].
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.
Note: If a pet name in this category is struck through, it means that I do not have a BLUE version of that pet for trade atm. I may still have a GREEN one, where applicable.
  • Archaeology:[pet]Clockwork Gnome[/pet], Crawling Claw, [pet]Fossilized Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Pterrordax Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Voodoo Figurine[/pet].
    Enchanting: Enchanted Lantern, [pet]Magic Lamp[/pet].
    Engineering: [pet]De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion[/pet], Lifelike Toad, [pet]Lil' Smoky[/pet], [pet]Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling[/pet], Mechanical Squirrel, [pet]Personal World Destroyer[/pet], [pet]Pet Bombling[/pet], [pet]Pierre[/pet], [pet]Rascal-Bot[/pet], [pet]Tranquil Mechanical Yeti[/pet].
    Fishing: [pet]Chuck[/pet], [pet]Giant Sewer Rat[/pet], [pet]Magical Crawdad[/pet], [pet]Muckbreath[/pet], [pet]Sea Pony[/pet], [pet]Snarly[/pet], [pet]Strand Crawler[/pet], [pet]Tiny Blue Carp[/pet], [pet]Tiny Green Carp[/pet], [pet]Tiny Red Carp[/pet], [pet]Tiny White Carp[/pet], [pet]Toothy[/pet].
    Inscription: Chi-ji Kite, Yu'lon Kite.
    Jewel Crafting: Jade Owl, Sapphire Cub.
    Tailoring: [pet]Imperial Moth[/pet], [pet]Imperial Silkworm[/pet].
Darkmoon Faire
  • Drop: [pet]Darkmoon Eye[/pet], Darkmoon Rabbit (S/S) (B/B), [pet]Moon Moon[/pet]. Vendor: [pet]Darkmoon Cub[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Monkey[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Tonk[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Turtle[/pet], [pet]Darkmoon Zeppelin[/pet], [pet]Tree Frog[/pet], [pet]Wood Frog[/pet].
World Drop
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare. Other Notable Drops
  • [pet]Anubisath Idol[/pet], [pet]Aqua Strider[/pet], [pet]Chrominius[/pet], [pet]Coilfang Stalker[/pet], [pet]Dark Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Emerald Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Filthling[/pet], [pet]Firefly[/pet], [pet]Fox Kit[/pet], [pet]Gundrak Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Mojo[/pet], [pet]Netherspace Abyssal[/pet], [pet]Porcupette[/pet], [pet]Proto-Drake Whelp[/pet], [pet]Spawn of G'nathus[/pet], [pet]Viscidus Globule[/pet].
World Events
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.
  • Lunar Festival: [pet]Festival Lantern[/pet], [pet]Lunar Lantern[/pet], Love is in the Air: [pet] Peddlefeet[/pet], [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet], Noblegarden: [pet]Spring Rabbit[/pet], Children's Week: [pet]Egbert[/pet], [pet]Legs[/pet], [pet]Mr. Wiggles[/pet], [pet]Peanut[/pet], [pet]Scooter the Snail[/pet], [pet]Speedy[/pet], [pet]Whiskers the Rat[/pet], [pet]Willy[/pet], Midsummer Fire Festival: [pet]Frigid Frostling[/pet], [pet]Spirit of Summer[/pet], Brewfest: [pet]Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm[/pet], [pet]Wolpertinger[/pet], Hallow's End: Cursed Birman, [pet]Feline Familiar[/pet], [pet]Sinister Squashling[/pet], Widget the Departed, Day of the Dead: [pet]Macabre Marionette[/pet], Feast of Winter Veil: [pet]Clockwork Rocket Bot[/pet], [pet]Father Winter's Helper[/pet], [pet]Lumpy[/pet], [pet]Tiny Snowman[/pet], [pet]Winter Reindeer[/pet], [pet]Winter's Little Helper[/pet].
Race Trainer Only
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare. Faction Vendor:
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare. Vendor Notables
*note: All uncommon pets listed have been upgraded to rare.
  • Molten Front: [pet]Crimson Lasher[/pet], [pet]Hyjal Bear Cub[/pet], Searing Scorchling, Icecrown: [pet]Ammen Vale Lashling[/pet], [pet]Dun Morogh Cub[/pet], [pet]Durotar Scorpion[/pet], [pet]Elwynn Lamb[/pet], [pet]Enchanted Broom[/pet], [pet]Mechanopeep[/pet], [pet]Mulgore Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Sen'jin Fetish[/pet], [pet]Shimmering Wyrmling[/pet], [pet]Teldrassil Sproutling[/pet], [pet]Tirisfal Batling[/pet], Other: [pet]Pengu[/pet], [pet]Rustberg Gull[/pet], [pet]Tiny Sporebat[/pet], [pet]Nether Ray Fry[/pet].
Battle-Stones Gold
If I don't have what you want or need listed, I can check my Auction House(s) and see if something you're looking for is for sale there. I have enough gold to buy pretty much any pet out there, so don't be shy! ^_^

I can PPL your pet from level 1 to 25 in as few as 30 mins. I have all tradable pets stoned, if needed, and leveled to lvl 25. I am open to trading batches for more valuable pets or for gold on a high pop sever (A: Stormrage; H: Illidan, Area 52). Price would depend on whether your pet needs to be stoned, possible breed differences, etc.

Credits. If some part of my list looks familiar, it's because I plagiarized themes, formatting and text liberally from posts of other traders whose content appealed to me; including (but not limited to): [profile]Skye[/profile], [profile]Kpb321[/profile], Thanks! ;)

Let's trade!! Everything is negotiable. Give me a shout in-game. My BTag is Presto#1944.

Re: (US) LF Balance Cards. Have VH, DMR S/S, Gold.

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 4:33 pm
by Presto
I got your BTag request, TyckTach. I'll be in game for a few hours this evening.

Re: (US) LF Balance Cards. Have VH, DMR S/S, Gold.

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 3:28 pm
by Presto
Tyvm, Dmann for smooth trade.

He She was not able to do balance cards, but we worked out a trade for 2 mos game-time in exchange for a 7 pet combo. Emailed codes to me immediately. Trustworthy, patient trader. Kudos, Dmann.

Re: (US) LF Balance Cards. Have VH, DMR S/S, Gold.

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 3:48 pm
by Serasi1965
Great trading with you also! Nice and smooth. BTW I'm a girl lol :)

Re: (US) LF Balance Cards. Have VH, DMR S/S, Gold.

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 4:53 pm
by Presto
:oops: Yes, ma'am!

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF BalanceCards. Have VH, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 5:19 am
by Presto
Update this thread to become my official trade list. Don't fall asleep reading it!

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF BalanceCards. Have VH, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 8:43 am
by Krystenn
How many of the game cards would you need for the Viscous Horror?

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF BalanceCards. Have VH, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 4:43 pm
by Presto
Hi, Krystenn. I'm looking for four cards for the VH, but remember... "Everything is Negotiable". Btag me and we can discuss it. Presto#1944 .

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF BalanceCards. Have VH, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 7:13 pm
by Presto
Added TCG pets - [pet]Dragon Kite[/pet], [pet]Sand Scarab[/pet] and [pet]Landro's Lil' XT[/pet].

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF BalanceCards. Have VH, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 9:46 pm
by Presto
Just worked out a trade with Krystenn for my VH. A few balance cards plus game-time and a filler pet for a VH. Very nice trader to deal with.

Gratz on pet #600, Krystenn!! That's quite a feat.

I'm still looking for at least 1 balance card.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 15th, 2014, 10:57 pm
by Krystenn
Thanks for the VH, Presto. I appreciate your patience and the fact that you're a great trader. And thanks, I'm excited to finally being at 600!

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 16th, 2014, 2:30 pm
by Presto
Realized I had some [url=]Do Not Trade[/url] pets on my wanted list... removed them.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 17th, 2014, 5:01 pm
by Presto
Updated server gold.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 18th, 2014, 2:03 pm
by Presto
Added Kovok.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 20th, 2014, 12:00 am
by Presto
Added [url=]Gusting Grimoire[/url] .

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 20th, 2014, 4:31 pm
by Presto
Added: [url=]Gregarious Grell[/url] (Thanks, Cyrus!) & [url=]Spineclaw Crab[/url].

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 20th, 2014, 6:14 pm
by Melmo
I can do a RAF bundle for your S/S rabbit (battle chest + 2 mos game time) or can do a card + 2 mos gametime... something along those lines if you're interested? My btag is Melmo#1842, thanks!

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 20th, 2014, 9:50 pm
by Presto
ty, Mel. I'll see shoot you an invite.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 21st, 2014, 11:40 am
by Krystenn
Just wanted to let you know I hadn't forgotten about you Presto, the balance cards are taking their sweet time getting here, but according to the tracking website they should be here Tuesday.

Re: (US) Presto's List: LF Bal-Cards. Have DKite, DMR S/S, G

Posted: June 21st, 2014, 12:18 pm
by Presto
Thanks for the thoughtful update, Krystenn. I think about you everyday! :lol: